
  1. 1994年以《九·一八大案纪实》和《西部警察》为标志,中国警察影像的纪实美学完满形成并达到高点。

    In1994 A Documentary of September18th Case and The Western Police marked both the establishment and the peak of documentary aesthetics in Chinese videos about the police .

  2. 巴格达西部费卢杰警察局外也发生了爆炸事件。

    Other blasts occurred outside the homes of policemen in Fallujah , west of Baghdad .

  3. 伊拉克内政部官员称,巴格达西部拉马迪警察局总部外发生两起汽车爆炸事件。

    Iraqi interior officials say two car bombs were set off outside police headquarters in the city of Ramadi , which is west of Baghdad .