
  • 网络West Nile fever;West nile fever, WNF
  1. 西尼罗热传入风险因子监测及口岸预防控制措施

    Monitoring the Risk Factors of West Nile Fever Spreading to China and Study on Measures of Prevention and Control at Ports

  2. 西尼罗热流行现状及实验诊断

    The epidemic status and experiment diagnosis of west nile fever

  3. 西尼罗病毒(Westnilevirus)属于黄病毒科黄病毒属,该病毒感染人类可导致西尼罗热、西尼罗脑炎、脑膜炎等严重疾病。

    West Nile virus ( WNV ) within the Flavivirus genus of the family Flaviviridae , cause human severe diseases ranging from West Nile fever to West Nile encephalitis or meningitis .

  4. 西尼罗病毒(Westnilevirus,WNV)感染是一种经蚊虫传播、以鸟类为主要动物宿主的自然疫源性疾病,在临床上可表现为西尼罗热或西尼罗脑炎,病死率4~11%。

    West Nile fever and encephalitis caused by West Nile virus ( WNV ) is maintained in a natural transmission cycle involving mosquito vectors and bird reservoir hosts , with the fatality of 4 % ~ 11 % .

  5. 西尼罗热抗体多片段蛋白芯片试剂盒的研制

    Development of Protein-Chip Kit of West Nile Virus Antibody Fragments

  6. 西尼罗热病毒爆发的季节即将来临。

    West Nile virus season is upon us .

  7. 疟疾、登革热、黄热病与西尼罗热等疾病也将蔓延。

    Diseases such as malaria , dengue fever , yellow fever and Nile fever would also spread .

  8. 结论积极开展我国国境口岸西尼罗热的监测及其它虫媒病毒的监测和管理工作。

    Results The result has showed that the successful experience of the surveillance against the West Nile virus in the U.

  9. 库蚊通常于黎明和黄昏时分出现,并通过叮咬来传播西尼罗热病毒,这就是为什么这段时间是一天中最为危险的时候。

    The Culex mosquitoes that usually spread West Nile tend to bite at sunup and sundown , which is why risk is heightened at those times of day .