
  • 网络Suite Espanola
  1. 他的这部《西班牙组曲》紧密结合了西班牙历史悠久的民族音乐文化,深深地体现了西班牙的那种充满了激情、豪放、洒脱的民族情结,具有极其浓郁的西班牙民族特色。

    His " Suite Espanola ", closely connected with Spanish national music culture , turns out to be a successful revelation of typical Spanish passion and open-mindedness .

  2. 其次从钢琴歌唱性技术的基本原则和特殊原则两个角度出发着重论述了《西班牙组曲》中民族情结的钢琴演绎。

    Then the following part of the paper elaborates the way in which the national feeling is revealed in the process of piano playing from the perspectives of basic principle and special principle on " the singing technique of piano playing " .

  3. 吉姆回来的时候,收音机正在播诵西班牙的组曲。

    A Spanish suite was being played on the radio when Jim came home .