
  1. 方法:对西安市项目县1995年~2001年孕产妇及7岁以下儿童保健服务及健康指标进行分析,采用SPSS软件进行数据分析及统计学处理,利用EXEL软件进行有关图形的绘制。

    The authors analyzed the level of maternal and child health care and health in project county in Xi'an from 1995 to 2001.They calculate statistic the data by SPSS 10.0 software and plot by EXEL software .

  2. 这就是位于中国陕西省西安市临潼县的秦始皇兵马俑。

    This is the Terracotta Warriors located in Lin Tong County , Xi'an City , Shaanxi Province , China .

  3. 人口政策下农村家庭儿童人力资源开发现状与问题&基于西安市高陵县的实证分析

    Research on the Development of Children 's Human Resource of the Families in Rural China under the Population Policy & Based on the Spot Investigation in Gaoling County of Xian

  4. 西安和蓝田县均位于陕西省关中平原中部,渭河之南,秦岭之北,处于渭河二级阶地之上。

    Xi'an and Lantian are in the middle part of Guanzhong plain of Shaanxi province , in the south beyond Wei River and the north beyond Qin Mountain , and on the second terrace of Wei River .

  5. 西安市城郊6县投资环境的比较

    A Comparative study on the investment environment of the six counties of Xi ′ an

  6. 本研究的样区主要位于西安南郊和蓝田县附近。

    This study focuses on such areas as the southern part of Xi ' an and near Lantian county .

  7. 并结合人口、经济等统计数据综合对比研究,讨论了西安市各区(县)城乡建设用地集约利用程度。

    And makes comprehensive comparative study by combining with statistics in population and economy , discusses the intensive utilization degree of urban and rural construction land in districts and counties of Xi ' an .

  8. 通过对西安东郊和长安县黄土剖面野外考察、裂隙观察、统计测量、孔隙度测定和颗粒分析,系统地研究了黄土地层含水空间。

    On the basis of field investigation , porosity determination and particle size analysis of the loess in eastern suburb of Xi ′ an and Chang ′ an County , the water bearing space of loess strata has been studied .

  9. 接着将西安市土地利用结构信息熵与重庆市进行比较,并对西安市各区(县)土地利用结构信息熵的空间差异进行分析。

    Then the information entropy of land use structure in Xi ' an and Chongqing are compared . And then the spatial difference information entropy of the land use structure in Xi ' an of the district ( county ) is analyzed .