
  • 网络contemporary western ethics
  1. 西方现代生态伦理学的基本思想全然不同于传统伦理观,其吸收、借鉴东方传统文化中丰富的生态智慧,呈现出东方转向的趋势。

    The basic thought of modern western ecological ethics is totally different from the traditional value of ethics . In the profound process of the ideological transformation , it demonstrates a tendency of absorbing the abundant ecological wisdom embodied in the eastern traditional culture .

  2. 这种东方转向是西方现代生态伦理学对造成现代生态危机的西方文化传统的批判否定之后所做的文化选择和价值转换,是对东方传统文化的丰富意蕴和价值的再发现。

    Such an eastern switch of the culture alternation and value transformation is a result of the critical denial of the western cultural tradition that is believed to lead to modern ecological crisis . In addition , the switch also rediscovers the implication of the eastern traditional culture .

  3. 近年来,人们在反省西方近现代规范伦理学一些流弊时,提出要重新推介亚氏伦理学的价值。

    Over recent years , scholars , meditating upon defects of modern Western Normative Ethics , consider re-spreading the values of Aristotle 's Virtue Ethics .