
  • Final winner;【电影】Qui mange qui?
  1. 最后赢家是:Axonify公司。

    And the winner was : axonify .

  2. 最不讨人厌的就是最后赢家

    and the one who was the least rotten would be the winner .

  3. 当裁判准备宣布罗宾逊为最后赢家时,大家才意识到倒地的多利不只是轻微的失去知觉。

    As the referee deemed Robinson the winner , it was soon realized that Doyle was a lot more than just out cold .

  4. 最后赢家里约热内卢代表团团员的兴奋溢于言表,宛若金牌得主一样笑逐颜开。

    The delight on the faces of the representatives of the winner , Rio de Janeiro , equalled any beaming gold medal winner .

  5. 9月之前他们会从名单中确定出最后的赢家。

    By September , they will have whittled the list down to a winner

  6. 最后的赢家揭晓,是:CleverSense。

    And the winner was : clever sense .

  7. Hickson认为最后的赢家要满足如下条件

    Hickson considers the winning codec will have to satisfy the following conditions

  8. 所以让女歌手继续独领风骚吧,2016年,不妨签下佩里的劲敌、流行乐界最有竞争力的人——泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift),不管届时球场上是哪两只球队在拼杀,最后的赢家肯定是她。

    So let the female reign continue . Sign up Taylor Swift - nemesis of Ms. Perry , and the most competitive person in pop - for 2016 , and don 't even worry about whichever teams are warring it out on the field before and after her . She 'll be the victor .

  9. 从长期来看,燃料电池车型才是最后的赢家。

    The long term play is going to be fuel cell .

  10. 曼联打进了半决赛,输给了最后的赢家皇马。

    United reached the semi-finals , losing to eventual winners Real Madrid .

  11. 使我惊奇的是,她是最后的赢家。

    To my surprise , she is the last winner .

  12. 哪一种会是最后的赢家?

    Which one kind of is the true life ?

  13. 一直以来,他都想成为最后的赢家

    After all this time , he wants to end up a winner .

  14. 在那里我们会成为最后的赢家

    a place where we can finally win .

  15. 可以说谁拥有了人才,谁便是最后的赢家。

    We can say that who own the best talents is the final winner .

  16. 大家拥有的手持设备将会胜出,成为最后的赢家。

    The handset you own is going to be the one that wins out .

  17. 面对激烈竞争,谁能最终抓住客户,赢得客户,谁就是最后的赢家。

    Facing with the problem , the winner is who caught and win the customer at last .

  18. 随后,高管们就会向每个人征询创意,有时候,甚至会举办竞赛,以决出最后的赢家。

    Then , top management asks everyone for ideas , sometimes even setting up contests to crown winners .

  19. 所以我办了这个比赛最后的赢家会在今天揭晓

    And so I started this context , that I said I will finally pick a winner today .

  20. 所以在许多用于工控的总线协议中,以太网必将成为最后的赢家,而嵌入式系统和以太网的结合就成为了新兴的信息产业的发展方向。

    So in many dedicated to industrial manufacture field bus , the Ethernet will become the final winner .

  21. 最后的赢家出价高达16万美元(折合11万7千8百9十9英镑)稳稳地竞标成功。

    The winner of the envy-inducing prize secured their victory by putting down an impressive $ 160000 ( 117899 )

  22. 郎甘尼特是2007年一场政府赞助的英式碳捕捉设施比赛最后的赢家。

    Longannet was the last project standing from a government-funded competition launched in2007 to build a British capture facility .

  23. 相信自己!每个人都是天生的赢家,你的人生态度将决定你是否能成为最后的赢家!

    Believe in yourself , Everyone is born a winner , How you lead your life will determine if you will die a winner !

  24. 不仅最后的赢家卡塔尔,澳大利亚,韩国,日本和美国也对主办权递交了申请。

    As well as eventual winners Qatar , Australia , Korea Republic , Japan and USA also submitted bids for the highly-sought after hosting rights .

  25. 。我们可以争论要久后能现实,谁会是最后的赢家

    I mean you can argue about how many years it would take , and you can argue about who the winners and losers might be ,

  26. 现在从影评人到普通的电影观众,每个人都可以试着预测谁会是最后的赢家来加入到这股奥斯卡热潮中。

    Now everyone , from the movie critic to the average movie-goer , can participate in Oscar fever by trying to predict who the winners might be .

  27. 本文介绍了网络时代电信企业的经营思想,指出了在网络时代最后的赢家是大型、松散专业化的企业集团。

    This paper introduces the operating consideration of carrier in network times , at last points the last winner is the large , loose , speciality group .

  28. 我们举行了真正的独立公投,而即使是被击败的党派,最后也成为了赢家。

    We have real referendums on independence , where even the defeated parties end up as winners .

  29. 这就是如何从许多候选人中逐渐缩小范围直到最后剩下一个赢家的过程。

    This is how voters narrow down that field from a bunch of candidates to eventually just one .