
  1. 但那些室友有视频游戏机的学生减少了学习时间,将更多时间花在玩《最终幻想12》(FinalFantasyXII)上。

    But students whose room-mates had video games spent less time studying and more playing Final Fantasy XII .

  2. 最终幻想VII他有两个对称的红色文身穿过他的颧骨。

    In Final Fantasy VII he has two symmetrical red tattoos across his cheekbones .

  3. 甚至在E3的新闻发布会上,微软就已经粗声大气了:我们有侠盗猎车手,鬼泣,现在我们又争得了最终幻想!

    Microsoft even brought this up at its press conference at E3 : We have Grand Theft Auto , Devil May Cry , and now Final Fantasy !

  4. 接近尾声的阀瓣两个最终幻想VII,玩家选择战斗,雷纳和粗鲁叶连娜,或者拒绝战斗。

    Near the end of Disc Two of Final Fantasy VII , the player has the option to fight Elena , Reno , and Rude , or refuse the battle .

  5. 与此同时,DeNA最近还与《漫威奇迹英雄》系列游戏的开发商漫威公司,以及《最终幻想:记忆水晶》的开发商的SquareEnix展开合作。

    At the same time , DeNA has focused recently on partnerships with companies such as Marvel for Marvel Mighty Heroes and Square Enix for Final Fantasy : Record Keeper .

  6. 在论坛上,中国的游戏玩家也表示,在史克威尔艾尼克斯公司颇受欢迎的角色扮演游戏《最终幻想XV》的全球发布会上,他们会获得该游戏。

    At the conference , Chinese gamers were also told that they would have access to Square Enix 's popular role-playing video game Final Fantasy XV upon its global release .

  7. Ouya得到了《最终幻想》(FinalFantasy)系列开发商SquareEnix和《刀魂》(SoulCalibur)系列开发商NamcoBandai的支持,因此一些高品质作品的推出成为可能。

    With support from publishers such as square Enix , the developer of the final fantasy series , and Namco Bandai , the developer of the soul Calibur franchise , the system could line up some quality titles .

  8. 电影艺术的最终幻想与人类科技进步

    " Final Fantasy " of Film Art and Scientific Advance of Mankind

  9. 但如果有的话,那将是千载难逢的旅行,也可能是最终幻想。

    But it would be the trip of a lifetime . Or , perhaps , the final fantasy .

  10. 要不然就是《最终幻想》!其实这些都不是,它的名字叫《俄罗斯方块》!

    Actually , they are not the most popular ones , the name of the one is Tetris .

  11. 十二月份版本更新标志着两大最终幻想系列的最爱,小妖精和馅饼的回报。

    The December version update marks the return of two FINAL FANTASY series favorites & goblins and flan .

  12. 第二名最终幻想

    No.2 Final Fantasy

  13. 最终幻想所带来的高度,使它一直作为游戏行业的标杆而存在。

    Final Fantasy sets the bar so high that it is always at the forefront in the gaming world .

  14. 但,有些游戏比如最终幻想,合金装备和保镖,几乎都只是些大型互动电影。

    However , some games like Final Fantasy , Metal Gear Solid and The Bouncer are almost just large interactive movies .

  15. 这本书包含了所有过去发行的最终幻想系列游戏的信息,图片甚至是尚未公开的消息。

    The book contains information , images , and even unreleased information about all Final Fantasy games released over the past years .

  16. 发布的一件大事,定于东京下月其中第一新的信息将显示在所有最终幻想冠军。

    The publisher has a big event scheduled for Tokyo next month where the first new information will be revealed on all Final Fantasy titles .

  17. 但所有人都能够预计,这款平板机却融合了所有科幻迷和平凡人们的两大最终幻想。

    But as we envision it , the tablet represents the fusion of two of the most steadfast dreams of sci-fi nerds and ordinary people alike .

  18. 这完全是新的设定,但我们有几位概念画师曾经画过“最终幻想”系列。

    Ray Nakazato : It is completely a new design , but we have a few concept artists who formerly worked on the Final Fantasy series .

  19. 在1987年作为公司即将倒闭前的最后一个项目,最终幻想获得了巨大成功并在之后成为了有史以来最伟大的角色扮演游戏系列。

    Famously starting in 1987 as the company 's last project before they shut down , Final Fantasy was a huge success and has since grown to be the greatest RPG series of all time .