
huàn chéng
  • transfer;change
换乘[huàn chéng]
  1. 提出公共交通线路及站点在GIS中的详细数据表达问题,并探讨该数据模型在公交换乘中的应用。

    This paper deals with the detailed representation of transit lines and stops in GIS , and explores the application of this representation to transit transfer guidance .

  2. 基于TTS系统的快速公交换乘等待时间最短调度问题研究

    Dispatching at Minimum Waiting Time of Bus Rapid Transit Transfer under Condition of TTS

  3. 你得在雷丁换乘火车。

    You have to change trains at Reading .

  4. 他是“停车再换乘”计划的热情拥护者。

    He is a keen advocate of park-and-ride schemes .

  5. 那样时间会有富余,你可以换乘7点的“协和”式客机。

    That will connect you with time to spare for the seven o'clock Concorde .

  6. 你可以在那儿换乘3路公共汽车。

    You can change to a No.3 bus there .

  7. 步行交通和便利的换乘让诸如酒吧和餐馆这类以娱乐休闲为导向的商家可以开到更晚,吸引到年轻人、创意工作者和濒临退休的生育高峰一代等。

    Access to foot traffic and proximity to transit allow the type of entertainment-oriented businesses such as bars and restaurants to stay open later , which attracts both younger , creative workers and baby boomers nearing retirement alike .

  8. 基于GIS的停车换乘设施优化选址方法的研究

    A GIS-Based Study on the Optimum Location of Urban Park & Ride Facilities

  9. 我们一路聊了一个多小时,从乘公交车到换乘E线地铁,再转乘地铁六号线。

    We 're talking more than an hour long , a bus ride to the E train to the 6 train long .

  10. 首先引入直达矩阵(T矩阵)和最小换乘矩阵(Q矩阵),讨论公交网络节点间换乘问题,得出最少换乘算法。

    T matrix and Q matrix are introduced to discuss the path-planning problem and the least transfer algorithm is obtained .

  11. 因此,在对票务收入进行分账时,同一条OD针对不同的换乘情况有不同的分账选择。

    Therefore , different splits are selected to split the ticket revenue with an O-D for different transfer modes .

  12. 瓶颈处停车换乘logit随机均衡选择模型

    Mode choice models based on logit stochastic equilibrium in transportation ( systems ) with park-and-ride option

  13. 上海F1国际赛车场停车换乘枢纽交通组织研究

    Research on the Traffic Organization of the Parking and Riding Hinge for Expos in 2010 at the Shanghai International Circuit

  14. 其次,实现了系统功能模块,主要包括GPS定位模块、地图匹配模块、信息查询模块以及城市公交换乘模块和路径规划模块。

    Second , the author establish a prototype of the system , including GPS positioning module , map-matching module , information module , transfer analysis of urban public transport and analysis of path planning .

  15. 分析了公交网络的特点,研究了如何利用GIS技术建立基于道路网的公交网络模型,提出了基于最优化路径条件下的换乘搜索方法,并探讨了其在公交线路查询中的应用。

    The characters of public transit network is analyzed and the establishment of transit network model based on GIS is studied . It is suggest an algorithm to find the shortest bus route and discuss the application in the trip guidance .

  16. 从城市公交查询系统建立的必要性出发,研究了基于组件式GIS的公交查询系统的设计,探讨了以换乘次数最少为目标的公交查询系统的实现方案。

    Based on the necessity of urban public traffic inquiry system , this article studies the design of the system based on component GIS , discusses the realization project of the public traffic inquiry system aiming at the least times of bus transfer .

  17. 以组团式结构城市为例,分析了城市TOD发展模式下客运换乘枢纽的布局规划方法。

    The method of layout planning of passenger transit hub is established based on the urban TOD development pattern with the example of combined conglomeration structured city .

  18. 最后文章以西安为例详细阐述了上一章引入的换乘次数和logit回归模型的计算过程,并对计算结果做出了相应分析。

    Finally article to take Xian as an example detailed elaborate the calculation process of the transfer time and logit matrix , and as a result get correspond analysis to the calculation .

  19. 以南京为例,从轨道交通与不同交通方式的无缝换乘(SEAMLESS)、提高轨道交通结点换乘的方便性等方面提出了几点规划措施。

    Taking Nanjing for example , the paper gives some planning solutions in such aspects as the seamless exchange between urban mass transit and other traffic means , improving the exchange convenience at the knot of urban mass transit , etc.

  20. 而在北京西部城区,你能找到一间月租4000元左右的两居室,并且坐地铁不用换乘,只需40到50分钟便可到达CBD。

    But in the west , you can find two-bedroom flats for about 4,000 yuan a month and it only takes 40 to 50 minutes to reach the CBD area by subway without changing lines .

  21. 并通过多项Logit模型建立了交通方式选择模型,在模型拟合良好的前提下,验证了平均出行链长度和换乘次数对方式选择的影响是显著的。

    And transportation mode choice is set up by multinomial Logit model . Based on fine goodness of Model fit , the influence of average length of trip-chain and transfer number on mode choice is remarkable .

  22. 结合公交乘客出行的特点,基于Dijkstra算法站点查询的出行路径选择方法,提出了基于蚂蚁算法的具有最少换乘次数的公交出行路径查询算法。

    Considering the character of bus passenger travel , a bus travel transit path query algorithm with the least transfer times was brought out , which was based on ant algorithm and Dijkstra algorithm of bus stops query .

  23. 早饭后,员工们就从斯德哥尔摩总部出发,先乘坐豪华轿车、然后换乘私人飞机、最后登上一长溜法拉利(Ferrari)和兰博基尼(Lamborghini)超跑,来到了蒙特卡洛。

    After breakfast at its Stockholm headquarters , employees were whisk & # 173 ; ed off in limousines , private jets and a fleet of Ferrari and Lamborghini super cars to Monte Carlo .

  24. 基于非集计模型的思想,建立一种基于模糊神经网络(FNN)的交通方式划分模型,并利用FNN模型对轨道交通客流分担率和轨道交通枢纽站内与交通方式的换乘比例进行划分。

    Based on the disaggregate model thought , a Traffic Modal Splitting Model Based on FNN is proposed , and the passenger quantity partaking proportion of urban railway transit and transferring passenger quantity proportion in hub station are fixed by FNN model .

  25. 为了提高推算公交出行O-D(Origin-Destination)量的精确性,研究利用换乘系数结合公交站点上下车客流量计算公交出行O-D量的方法。

    A new method of ascertaining the O-D ( Origin-Destination ) of public transit was proposed & Utilizing the coefficient of transfer and the volume of passengers who go aboard or get off on the public transit station to .

  26. 轨道交通M7线、M6线和已建地铁2号线在静安寺形成大型换乘枢纽,介绍了轨道交通静安寺枢纽站多个换乘方案,对各个方案的优缺点进行分析,提出推荐方案。

    Rail transit line M7 , M6 and the existing metro line 2 will converge at Jing'an Temple station . The paper introduces several transfer schemes of junction station of Jing'an Temple , and presents the optimum scheme through analysis .

  27. 面向换乘枢纽的公共汽车协调调度模式研究

    A Study on Bus Coordination Dispatching Pattern for Transit Transfer Centers

  28. 繁华城区大型地铁换乘车站修建技术

    Construction Technology for Large Metro Interchange Station in Urban Busy Area

  29. 城市轨道交通与公交换乘系统研究

    Study on Transfer System between Urban Railway Transit and Public Traffic

  30. 凯西:换乘什么公交?

    KATHY : What bus do I need to transfer to ?