
  • 网络Conversion method;converting method;barter
  1. 常数换算法在ICU微量用药中的应用

    Application of constant conversion in microdosis medication for ICU patients

  2. 基于曲线特征的快速Hough逆变换算法

    A Fast Inverse Hough Transform Based on Curve Feature

  3. 运用数值Laplace逆变换算法,分析了传统的定流量抽水问题。

    The traditional problem of constant discharging in wells is analysed by using a numerical inversion of Laplace transforms .

  4. 本文在快速离散余弦逆变换算法的基础上,引入针对多媒体数据流的SSE2并行计算技术。

    Based on the fast IDCT algorithm , the SSE2 parallel computing technique is adopted in this paper .

  5. 本文对希尔伯特-黄变换算法在PHM数据采集处理系统中的应用进行了深入研究,包括算法的基本原理,算法与其它时频分析方法的比较以及最终的DSP实现和优化过程。

    This dissertation deeply studies the application of Hilbert-Huang transform in the PHM data acquisition and processing system , including the basic principle , the comparison with other time-frequency domain analysis method and the final implementation and optimization in DSP .

  6. 双桨船采用三因次换算法研究

    A Study on the Application of Three-dimensional Extrapolation to Twin-screw Ship

  7. 应用胶乳凝集半定量数值换算法对310例有关疾病患者进行了血清D-二聚体的检测分析。

    Latex agglutinative semi-quantitative numerical conversion method is used in the detection of serum D-dimer .

  8. 用木材重量或单价换算法测算盗伐、滥伐林木材积

    The Timber Volume Calculation of Illegal & Excessive Logging with Timber Weight or Method of Univalent Conversion

  9. 刀具角度的换算法

    Angle Conversion for Cutting Tools

  10. 药物分类系数换算法等参元逆变换算法在渗流-位移耦合场分析中的应用

    Medicament Classification Coefficient Conversion Method An application of inverse isoparametric mapping in coupled analysis of seepage flow and displacement

  11. 用快速富里叶-汉克耳变换算法计算层状介质中偶极天线电磁场

    Computation of electromagnetic field due to dipole antenna in stratified media with fast Fourier-Hankel transform ( ffht ) algorithm

  12. 用车辆换算法计算信号交叉口的通行能力,车辆换算系数的确定是一个非常重要的问题。

    It is a very important for a researcher how to determine vehicle-equivalence in calculating the capacity of a signalized junction by vehicle-equivalence method .

  13. 介绍了单级离心式渣浆泵的计算机辅助设计软件,软件中采用了离心泵行业常用的模型换算法和速度系数法两种设计方法。

    An introduction to CAD ( Computer Aided Design ) software for writer development of single stage centrifugal slurry pump is presented , which use two design methods & modular conversion and speed coefficient in the field .

  14. 本论文基于几何光学理论和标量衍射理论提出了设计反射式衍射光栅的逆变换算法和理论模型,推出了计算反射式衍射光栅表面浮雕高度的差分方程。

    This paper provides an algorithm of reverse transformation and a model theory to design diffraction gratings based on geometrical theory and sealer quantity diffractive theory . The height of phase relief is achieved by finding the solution of the difference equation with computer calculation .

  15. 旁压试验换算曲线法在工程勘察中应用

    Application of Reduction Curve Method of Pressuremeter Test in Engineering Investigation

  16. 考虑剪滞效应下计算钢筋混凝土箱梁应力的换算截面法

    Transformation-section method for stress calculation of reinforced concrete box beams with shear lag

  17. 目前常用于钢管混凝土拱桥的地震响应分析方法有换算截面法和双单元法。

    Flexibility based finite element method for inelastic seismic response analysis of reinforced concrete space frames ;

  18. 一种方法称为换算系数法,另一种方法是等物质的量规则法。

    One is called conversion coefficient method , the other is quantity regulation method with equal matters .

  19. 换算桩法是一种与精确解法基本相一致的近似计算法。

    The influence lines method of the conversion pile loads is an approximate calculation means which is basically consistent with the exact method .

  20. 基于换算截面法,运用变分原理对开裂混凝土连续箱梁的剪力滞效应进行了分析,并与规范方法和试验结果进行了对比。

    Based on transformed section method , shear lag effect of continuous box girder was analyzed adopting variational principle , and compared with design code and experimental result .

  21. 基于徐变换算截面法推导了钢筋混凝土梁徐变收缩引起的截面应力计算公式,根据混凝土柱体2年试验观测,得到了素混凝土的徐变系数。

    Formulas are deduced to calculate creep and shrinkage stresses of reinforced concrete beams based on creep transformed-section method , and creep coefficients of plain concrete are obtained according to two years test on concrete columns .

  22. 基于换算刚度法的连拱电算程序

    Computer Program for Arcade Based on Hardness Conversion Mode

  23. 换算刚度法及其在多跨结构中的应用

    The method of conversion of rigidity and its application in the multi - span structure

  24. 计算方法宜采用换算长细比法。

    The approach of equivalent slenderness ratio is recommended for calculation purpose .

  25. 基线换算近似定量分析法在测定地质样品的初步应用

    Application of approximately quantitative analysis of base-line conversion calculation for determination of geological samples

  26. 起伏地形二维位场上延与换算的边界单元法

    Application of the boundary element method to the continuation upward and transformation of 2-D potential field on relief topography

  27. 文章利用永春县2000、2005、2010三期森林资源二类调查续档数据及资料,运用换算因子连续函数法,估算永春县森林乔木层碳储量特征的动态变化。

    The paper was used the three periods of the inventory of forest resources data and information in YongChun 2000 , 2005 and 2010 , and used the conversion factor continuous function method , to estimate the stand and the dynamic changes of YongChun forest carbon .

  28. 在此研究的基础上,用概率的方法,推导出考虑车序等因素的车辆换算系数公式,从而可用车辆换算法计算信号交叉口的通行能力。

    Therefore , the capacity of signalized intersections could be calculated with the vehicle equivalent methods .