
  1. 让家家户户,小窗灯明,沐汤燃香

    Let every house full of lights from small window , boiling soup and burning incense

  2. “一夜中灯明火彩,客送官迎,那百般热闹,自不用说的”

    " That night was all brilliance and bustle , needless to say , with the lanterns and torches of the officials and guests coming and going . "

  3. 预测结果表明,孔店&灯明寺探区大部分剩余石油资源分布于中、小规模油藏中;未来20年,累计探明储量仍呈稳定增长趋势,但勘探效益将缓慢递减。

    Based on the evaluation results , the undiscovered oil resource is mainly distributed in the middle and little sized pools , and the exploration benefit in the next 20 years will take on a slowly descending trend .