
dēng huì
  • lantern show
灯会 [dēng huì]
  • [lantern show] 元宵节举行的观灯集会,会上悬挂着各式各样的彩灯,灯火辉煌。有的灯会还有高跷、狮子、旱船、杂技表演等娱乐活动。现泛指群众性的观灯活动

灯会[dēng huì]
  1. 秦淮灯会是流传于南京地区的特色民俗文化活动,主要集中在每年春节至元宵节期间举行,其历史源远流长,在社会、文化、经济等方面具有非常大的价值。

    As a distinctive folk cultural activity spread around Nanjing , Qinhuai lantern show , usually taking place between Spring Festival and Lantern Festival every year , has a long history and great social , cultural and economic significances .

  2. 如果abs有故障,则该警示灯会亮起。

    The warning light illuminates if the ABS is faulty .

  3. 事实上,我们需要传播这样的信息:从长远来看,更加耐用、高能效的LED灯会抵消成本。

    Actually we need to get , that in the long-run , much more durable , and highly energy-efficient LED lights will offset the cost .

  4. 靠电池发光的灯会在一二十年内全部熄灭。

    Battery-powered lights will all be off in a decade or two .

  5. 指示灯会一秒钟闪一下。

    Switch On , Power Led should flash one second .

  6. 从自贡灯会看文化产业发展

    On the Development of Culture Industry from Zigong Lantern Festival

  7. 所以每次射击指示灯会自动转动。

    So the slide cocks back after each shot .

  8. 中控锁系统将会解锁,危险警示灯会激活。

    Central locking system is unlocked and the hazard warning lights are activated .

  9. 按钮旁边的灯会提示你烤炉已经启动。

    A light next to the button tells you the barbeque is turned on .

  10. 元宵节灯会就在明天举行。

    The Lantern Festival parade is on tomorrow .

  11. 再多一些灯会使昏暗的屋子变亮。

    More lamps will lighten the gloomy room .

  12. 今晚的霓虹灯会说:“一切都会逝去”

    The neon lights in the night tonight will say " everything will flow "

  13. 六点钟的时候我们要去品尝传统式晚餐,然后去看灯会。

    At six we 'll have a traditional dinner and then go to the parade .

  14. 而在晚上,除了各种大型灯会,灿烂的焰火也是一幅美丽的画卷。

    On the night , except for magnificent lanterns , fireworks form a beautiful scene .

  15. 自贡灯会促进民俗文化发展。

    Lantern festival promotes culture in Zigong .

  16. 日光浴床和太阳灯会增加患皮肤癌的风险,并对没有受到保护的眼睛带来损伤。

    Sunbeds and sunlamps increase the risk of skin cancer and can damage unprotected eyes .

  17. 这灯会自动亮的。

    The light goes on automatically .

  18. 当司机手动开启普通车灯照明时,日间行车灯会随之自动关闭。

    When the driver manually open ordinary lamp lighting , daytime driving parade then shut automatically .

  19. 在中秋那天夜晚,我们将一起去看灯会。

    We 're gonna get together go to the wonderful light show on the mid-autumn day .

  20. 晚上楼顶有灯会射进我们的窗户里而且太亮了

    The lights on the roof come in our window at night and it 's too bright .

  21. 用户推动按钮,灯会持续亮大约一分半钟。

    The user pushes a button and the light goes on for about a minute and a half .

  22. 她说:“我是带着我的灯,来参加灯会的。”

    ' I have brought my light ,' she said ,' to join the carnival of lamps . '

  23. 当然,中秋没有像元宵节那样的大型灯会,玩灯主要只是在家庭、儿童之间进行的。

    Mid-Autumn Festival is one of China 's three major segments , the holidays have to play lights .

  24. 中国,福建省福州市首届灯会在南后街盛大举行。

    《 9 》 China , Fujian Province Fuzhou first session lantern festival in south back street grand hold .

  25. 禅宗语录是近代汉语研究最重要的资料之一,本文选取南宋时的禅宗语录总集《五灯会元》,全面考察书中程度副词的使用情况。

    Buddhist anas are one kind of the most important materials for the research on the Old Mandarin Chinese .

  26. 当达到极限速度时,速度表背光灯会变成亮红色以示提醒。

    And the rev counter backlight changes to bright red to let you know when you hit the limiter .

  27. 当有人在上述环境中发出过大声音时,声控提示灯会及时点亮或闪烁。

    The sound control indicator lamp lights or flashes in case anyone makes excessive large noise in the silent environment ;

  28. 水龙头基座上的蓝色信号灯会每30秒闪一下,表示需要更换过滤罐了。

    The bule light in the faucet base will flash every 30 seconds to indicate a filter change is needed .

  29. 可以二者兼顾。乘船观海豚活动只要四个小时,而元宵灯会要到太阳落山之后才会开始。

    You can do both ! The cruise takes four hours and the parade doesn 't start until after sunset .

  30. 文章对《五灯会元》中的副词“都”作封闭式的调查统计研究,重点考察“都”的语法意义、句法功能和语义指向问题。

    This paper makes a deep probe into the syntactical functions of English and Chinese numerical idioms based upon convincing examples .