
gǔ kāng
  • Chaff;cavings
谷糠[gǔ kāng]
  1. 越国人估计时机已到,便将瓦罐里的谷子换成水,在上面浅浅覆盖一层谷糠,兴冲冲跑来的老鼠一点儿也没有一个提防,在夜里成群结队地再次光临,它们次序井然地进入瓦罐里面,结果一只也没有活着出来。

    Thinking that it is the right time , the Yue person replaced the grains with water , and placed some chaff2 on the surface of the water . During the night , the mice came in groups again excitedly and were not alert at all . They entered the pitcher orderly and none of them came out alive .

  2. 谷糠油成分的超临界CO2流体萃取及GC-MS分析

    Supercritical Fluid Extraction and GC-MS Analysis of Oil from Millet Bran

  3. 他们通常用谷糠煮成的湿饲料喂养家禽。

    They usually feed a moist mash to fowls .

  4. 谷糠难骗老麻雀。

    An old bird be not catch with chaff .

  5. 谷糠难诱老雀。

    Old birds are not caught with chaff .

  6. 谷糠纤维素强酸性阳离子交换剂

    Bran Fiber Strong Acidic Positive Ion Exchange Agent

  7. 汗水流在地主富人的田野里,妈妈却吃着野菜和谷糠。

    In the sweat , rich landowner field mom was eating plants and wrap .

  8. 像打谷场上飞迸的谷糠。

    Like chaff from a threshing floor .

  9. 伏特加:蒸馏酒。无色透明,没有独特的香气和风味。通常用谷糠(一般是黑麦或小麦)制成。

    Vodka : Colourless distilled liquor of neutral spirits usually made from a grain mash ( generally rye or wheat ) .

  10. 基质配方试验:①25%海泡石+15%膨化珍珠岩+15%蛭石+45%炭化谷糠;

    Medium ingredient : ( T ) 25 % sepiolit + 15 % fine perlite + 15 % vermiculite + 45 % carbonized chaff ;

  11. 研究了谷糠纤维素经交联酯化反应后制备纤维素硫酸单酯强酸性阳离子交换剂的方法及其对部分金属离子的吸附作用。

    The paper examines chemical preparation of bran fiber sulfuric acidic single-ester strong-acidic positive ion exchange agent after the cross-linking esterification reaction and metal ions absorption by the agent .