
  • 网络Street View;Google street;Google Street View;Street View on Google Maps
  1. GoogleInc.目前,谷歌街景的“时光机”功能只适用于台式机,但文森特说,他希望最终这项功能也能在手机上使用。

    For now , Street View 's time-machine feature is only available on desktops , but Mr. Vincent said he would like to see it eventually offered on mobile as well .

  2. 瑞安·菲勒是谷歌街景视图的项目总监。

    Ryan Falor , project manager of Google 's Street View .

  3. 那些MAC地址已经被谷歌街景汽车记录下来并且没有改变路由器的默认口令的网络用户将面临风险。

    Web users whose MAC addresses has been logged by the cars and have not changed the default password for the router are at risk .

  4. 谷歌街景带你走进博物馆。

    Google Street view is taking you to the museum .

  5. 观看谷歌街景能得到相当于从一架小望远镜里向外看的视觉效果。

    Swapping to street view is the equivalent of looking through a spyglass .

  6. 在此次更新版发布前,谷歌街景采集的累计里程达到了600万英里(约966万公里)。

    Before the update , about 6 million miles worth of Street View imagery was available .

  7. 这项时光机功能在谷歌街景记录的几乎所有地点都可以实现。

    The time machine will be available in almost every location where Street View is in operation .

  8. 这是最近“谷歌街景”拍摄到的一系列奇异事件之一。

    It is the latest in a series of bizarre events to be captured on Street View .

  9. 事实证明,通过谷歌街景,你确实可以欣赏到稀有的绝美景观。

    As it turns out , you can visit quite a few quirky and amazing places using Google Street View .

  10. 跟谷歌街景在德国引发的争议一样,韩国警方也为此突袭了谷歌在首尔的韩国总部。

    Police in South Korea storm Google headquarters in Seoul just as Google launches controversial Street View program in Germany .

  11. 谷歌街景是谷歌地图的很受欢迎的附加功能,让你能用在街上的角度看任何地点。

    Google Street View is a popular addition to Google Maps that lets you look at any location from street level .

  12. 本周早些时候,“谷歌街景”在德国西南部的曼海姆,拍摄到一名裸男正爬进停在人行道旁的汽车里。

    Earlier this week , a naked man was spotted climbing into the boot of his car in Mannheim , south-west Germany .

  13. 如果你觉得在谷歌街景上浏览数小时是在浪费时间,那你有必要认识下达斯汀摩尔先生。

    If you think it 's a waste of time to spend hours browsing Google Street View , you should meet Dustin Moore .

  14. 8月份,“谷歌街景”拍到一名女学生的尸体躺在英国伍斯特公路旁边。

    In August a photograph emerged of what appeared to show a dead schoolgirl lying on the side of the road in Worcester .

  15. 这位两年前去世的老妇人当时正坐在走廊上看报纸,谷歌街景的摄像头恰好拍下了她的身影。

    Google 's cameras happened to lock onto the woman , who passed away two years ago , while she read the newspaper on her porch .

  16. 由于担心隐私问题,谷歌街景图工作遭到了德国市民的反对,谷歌最终在图片上对一些建筑和住宅做了模糊化处理,这也许是谷歌做出上述决定的原因之一。

    Resistance from German citizens surrounding privacy , which resulted in the blurring of various buildings and homes , probably played a factor in the decision .

  17. 如果你看到谷歌街景网页左上角有一个沙漏,就意味着你可以查看过去相应的街景图片。

    If you see an hourglass in the upper left corner of a Street View panorama , that means there is past imagery you can peruse .

  18. 之后,一辆警车抵达布劳顿村,来处理民众与谷歌街景拍摄承包车之间的争执。

    After his call , a police car arrived in Broughton to reports of a dispute between a crowd of people and a Google Street View contractor .

  19. 此前,巴西“谷歌街景”拍摄到南美国家一系列死尸照片,谷歌被迫删除了部分图片。

    Google was forced to remove several graphic images after its Brazilian Street View service captured a string of images of dead bodies in the South American country .

  20. 后来,她申请谷歌街景“通过360度摄像头帮你分享绝美风景”的项目,才有了如此的进展。

    Andreeassen then applied for the Google Street View loan program that " is here to help you share 360 experiences from amazing places " and things progressed from there .

  21. 借住谷歌街景,你可以真实感受金碧辉煌的凡尔赛宫,国王路易十四为建造此宫殿还激起了民愤。

    With gold adorning every nook and cranny , you can take a virtual tour of the palace built by Louis XIV that really angered poor French people at the time .

  22. 两年前,一个在家门前的草地上醉倒的男人被谷歌街景车拍到,照片被传到了网上。

    Two years ago in Australia , a man who fell asleep in a drunken stupor on the grass outside his home was horrified to find his embarrassment posted on the internet .

  23. 他用照相机对准电脑屏幕拍摄下利用谷歌街景技术找到的不幸事件图片,这张就是,这张也是,这张也是。

    He put his camera in front of his computer and photographed images of unfortunate events that were on Google Street View , like this one , and this one , and this one .

  24. 文森特表示,对于主要的都市区,谷歌街景提供了20个甚至更多的时间片段可供浏览,而对于大多数地点,则提供了两到三个时间片段。

    For major metro areas , there will be 20 or more so-called time slices to check out , while for most locations , there will be two or three , Mr. Vincent said .

  25. 谷歌街景打算雇一群羊,让它们扛上360度摄像头和太阳能板,用来收录法罗群岛的街景。

    That is , Google Street view is planning on bringing their services to the Faroe Islands with the help of the many sheep there , Google 's 360 degree cameras and some solar panels .

  26. 为了达到这个目的,Aclima一直与谷歌的街景系统合作。

    To this end , Aclima has been collaborating with Google 's Street View system .

  27. 主要是一些特殊装备的车辆为谷歌地图街景试图拍摄图片。

    This was done as specially equipped vehicles took pictures for the Google mapping called Street View .

  28. 警方称谷歌利用街景车辆收集了60万名无线互联网用户的位置信息和其它数据。

    Police said Google had collected location information and other data from 600,000 wireless internet users with its Street View cars .

  29. 但是在法国首都需要这些精密的工具来完成它的工作——为谷歌的街景地图添加三维图像。

    But the contraption tooling around the French capital needs all that gear to do its job - adding three-dimensional images to Google 's Street View Maps .

  30. 动一动手指,谁都可以看到展现冥王星表面细节的照片,或者通过谷歌地图街景功能到南极洲麦克默多考察站游览一圈。

    With a few swipes of our finger , any of us can view detailed photos of the surface of Pluto or take a Google Street View tour through Antarctica 's McMurdo Station .