
  • 网络The Wisdom of the Masses;the wisdom of crowds
  1. 群众的智慧是无穷尽的。

    The wisdom of crowds isn 't an oxymoron .

  2. 群众的智慧也不过如此。

    So much for the wisdom of crowds .

  3. 群众的智慧是无穷的。

    The wisdom of the masses is inexhaustible .

  4. 你们吸取群众的智慧是很好的。

    You will do well to draw on the wisdom of the masses .

  5. 他回如此高傲,竟不相信群众的智慧?

    Was he so conceited as not to believe in the wisdom of the masses ?

  6. 写了一本书名为群众的智慧书中他记录了所有的实验结果最终可归结为一点

    wrote a book called The Wisdom of Crowds , in which he chronicled all these experiments which all come down to this

  7. 善于集中群众的智慧,不能一人说了算,搞家长制

    Be skillful in pooling the wisdom of the masses and not be permitted to have the say alone or follow the patriarchal system

  8. 这些公司找到了方法来汇聚群众的智慧,从原本被隐藏、被遗忘的信息中抽取精华。

    These companies have found ways to harness the wisdom of the crowd , extracting information that was there all along , just latent and lost .

  9. 二是坚持深化改革,扩大开放,把全区各族干部群众的智慧和力量凝聚到经济建设这个中心任务上来;

    Second , deepening reform , opening wider to the outside world , and concentrating the wisdom and strength of the cadres and masses of various nationalities on to the central task of economic construction .

  10. 这类词表现了人民群众的创造智慧和语言的生动活泼,但却未曾有人研究。

    These words have displayed the creative intelligence of people and the vivification and vigour of language , but no one has studied them .

  11. 云南少数民族禁忌是中国少数民族传统文化不可或缺的一部分,它体现着少数民族地区广大人民群众的生存智慧。

    The Ethnic Minorities'taboos in Yunnan Province is a necessary part of the traditional culture of Chinese Ethnic Minorities , which reflects on the people 's living wisdom in the Ethnic Minorities Religions .

  12. 我们党高度重视人民群众的创造和智慧。

    Our Party highly values the creations and wisdom of the masses .

  13. 这样他们就使群众的积极性、智慧和力量都充分发挥出来。

    In this way they brought into full play the initiative , wisdom and power of the masses .

  14. 宪法诉讼是群众发现法律问题的智慧和法官解决法律问题的智慧的有机结合。

    Constitutional litigation is a combination by the wisdom of common people when they find laws and that of judges when they solve legal issues .