
  • 网络group shift;groupshift;Transfer groups;groupshifts
  1. 而与此同时也带来一些负面的效应就是作家群体转移的现象,像刘恒、刘震云、王朔等当代作家都纷纷涌入的影视剧的创作当中去。

    At the same time , it had also brought some negative effect , that is the transference of group of writers . For example , writers such as Liu Heng , Liu Zhenyun and Wang Shuo all moved to the writing of films one after another .

  2. 瑞安计划将最高一级个人所得税率从35%降至25%,大幅削减联邦医疗补助计划(medicaid)、食品券等面向低收入群体的转移支付计划支出。

    Mr Ryan would reduce the top rate of personal income tax from 35 per cent to 25 per cent and slash transfer programmes for the poor , such as Medicaid and food stamps .

  3. 原因之一是住房消费群体的转移。

    One reason is that people with the spending power are elsewhere .

  4. 城市弱势群体代际转移现象中的家庭教育问题

    The Research on the Family Education in Intergenerational Diversion of the Social Vulnerable Group

  5. 强震群体活动转移特征及预测

    Migration characteristics and prediction of strong earthquake groups

  6. 税收的主要对象是高收入群体,转移支付的主要对象是低收入群体。政府通过这两个手段进行的收入再分配,可以发挥缩小收入差距的功能。

    To tax high-income groups and transfer payments low-income groups , Government could narrow the income gap .

  7. 世界银行称,这应当包括更多的医疗和教育开支,以及对低收入群体的转移支付。

    This should include more health and education spending and transfer payments to low-income groups , said the bank .

  8. 通货膨胀的收入与财富再分配效应,使财富在不同群体间转移,可能出现固定收入者受损、浮动收入者获益,债权人受损、债务人获利的状况。

    The income redistribution effect of inflation makes the wealth transfer between different groups . The fixed income residents are impaired , meanwhile the floating income residents benefit .

  9. 腹腔移植瘤的瘤细胞群体与肺转移瘤的瘤细胞群体DNA含量分布范围明显增宽,2C~6C不等,峰值明显右移,前者的分布范围比后者更宽;

    The DNA contents had a wide distribution ( from 2c to 6c ) in abdominally transplanted tumors and the pulmonary metastatic tumors ;

  10. 本文的主要贡献是通过模型揭示群体极端性转移效应。

    The main contribution of the paper is that group polarization shift effect are proclaimed by using Bayesian decision theory .

  11. 在争夺地方事务的话语权的过程中,他们不自觉地扮演了不同角色,从而完成了上海地方精英内部的新旧群体权势的转移。

    In the process of struggling for local power , they unconsciously played different roles . Thus it had completed the transfer of the power of local elites between the new and the old groups in shanghai .

  12. 近年来,水稻高产群体的研究重点逐渐由原来的群体数量转移到群体质量上来(凌启鸿等,1995)。

    In recent years , focal point of the study of high-yield population in rice was transferred from population quantity to population quality .