
qún biǎo shì
  • group representation
群表示[qún biǎo shì]
  1. 群表示理论在对称系统H2/H∞控制中的一些应用

    Application of group representation theory in h_2 / h_ ∞ control of symmetric systems

  2. 群表示论的物理方法(Ⅱ)置换群亚标准基和酉群Gelfand基

    Physical method of group representation theory (ⅱ) the quasi-standard bases of permutation group and the Gelfand bases of unitary group

  3. 本文利用群表示理论研究α&AlO(OH)水硬铝石晶体可约表示特征标并找出声学模和光学模变换的不可约表示。

    The character and reduction of the reducible representation for a-AlO ( OH ) diaspore are investigated using the group theory .

  4. Tate上同调源于有限群表示理论的研究。

    Tate cohomology originated from the study of representations of finite groups .

  5. 关于群表示的分解矩阵和Cartan矩阵的两个结论

    Two Solutions on the Decomposition Matrix and Cartan Matrix of Group ′ s Representation

  6. 本文用Mackey关于诱导表示与半直积群表示的定理,给出一个构造空间群表示的较实用的程序化的方法。

    The constructing practical program method of representation of space group is given by using Mackey 's theorem .

  7. 这种方法将c(c≥2)类问题看成是c个两类问题,应用c个微粒群表示c类规则,每个微粒群应用PSO算法实现对连续变量空间的分类。

    In this way , the c ( c ≥ 2 ) classification problem is taken as c two-class problems , and c class rules are expressed by c particle swarms , and classfication rules with the continuous variable space is finished by the PSO algorithm .

  8. 本文应用模态综合技术,结合群表示论,对C(NV)群上对称的轮盘-叶片系统提出其基本主模态和亚优势模态的一种有效算法。

    In this paper by using the modal synthesis technique combined with the representative theory of finite group , an efficient analysis method is presented to calculate the dominant and subdominant modes for a coupled system of symmetrically bladed disc with CNV group .

  9. 本文利用群表示论研究李群以及紧致对称空间的热核,特征值与特征函数.特别讨论了复格拉斯曼流形以及流形Sp(n)/U(n)上特征值及特征函数。

    In this paper , we study the heat kernels , eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of Lie groups and compact symmetric spaces by means of the representation theory of groups . Especially , we discuss the complex Grassmannian manifolds and the manifolds Sp ( n ) / U ( n ) .

  10. 应用群表示理论,本文给出了工程中常见的在Cn,Cnh,Cnv,Dnh这四种点群上对称结构的统一分析方法。

    The paper applies group representation theory to discuss the symmetrized ba - sis vectors of the four kinds of point group-Cn , Cnh , Cnv , Dnh and to find the generalized displacements associated with them .

  11. 基于电子振动相互作用和群表示理论,讨论团簇几何构型的JahnTeller效应,分析了各种构型的电子态,计算结果与理论符合较好。

    Based on the vibronic interaction and the resolution of group representation , the Jahn-Teller effect of clusters geometrical configurations is discussed and various electronic structures are analyzed . The results obtained is in fair agreement with the calculated results .

  12. 关于平方可积群表示变换的一些性质

    Some Properties of the Transforms Associated with Square Integrable Group Representations

  13. 群表示论在直积网络中的一个应用

    An application of the group representation theory in direct product network

  14. 群表示论中不可约张量基方法的研究

    A Study of Irreducible Tensor Basis Method in Group Representation Theory

  15. 刚体定点转动欧拉运动学方程的群表示法

    Group Representation of Euler Kinematic Equation in Fixed-point Motion of Rigid Body

  16. 全部四着色解的基着色+自同构群表示法

    The Automorphism Group + Basic 4-coloring Representation of All 4-colorings

  17. 有限群表示的一个结论

    A Conclusion of the Expression of Finite Group G

  18. 利用群表示的不同观点,可以消除存在于群C4v的酉表示中的佯谬

    The paradox exists in unitary representation of the g

  19. 除环上一般线性群表示定理的新证明

    A New Proof for Presentational Theoryof the General Linear Group over a Division Ring

  20. 氢原子系统对称性的SO(4)群表示

    The SO ( 4 ) group representation for the symmetry of hydrogen atomic system

  21. Sine-Gordon模型和辫子群表示

    Sine-Gordon Model and the Representations of Braid Group

  22. 群表示中的一个重要反例

    An important inverse example in group representation

  23. 文中还介绍了群表示论在此领域的应用,这将给从事材料研究的工作者带来很大方便。

    Application of the theorem of representation of groups to this field is also presented .

  24. 关于群表示的一点意见

    An Idea for Representation of Group

  25. 本文对群表示论中的不可约张量基方法作了进一步的研究。

    In this paper , the irreducible tensor basis method in group representation theory is studied further .

  26. 有限群表示论的新途径(Ⅲ)本征函数法在点群上的应用

    A new approach to the representation theory of finite groups (ⅲ) application of eigenfunction method to point groups

  27. 本文介绍一种完全用量子力学中对易算符集方法处理的有限群表示论。

    This paper advocates a new approach to the theory of finite group representations by applying exclusively the method of commuting operators in quantum mechanics .

  28. 群表示论是泛函分析的另一项重大发展,在核结构、基本粒子理论以及数学其他分支中有广泛应用。

    Functional analysis , group representation theory is another major development in nuclear structure , elementary parti-cle theory and other branches of mathematics have wider application .

  29. 根据群表示论的基本定理,对相对论量子力学中狄拉克矩阵维数的唯一性给出直接证明。

    According to the fundamental theory of group representations , a direct proof is given for the singleness of demension of Dirac 's matrix in the relativistic quantum mechanics .

  30. 把研究群表示特征标的问题转化为研究群代数中心及群代数中心生成元的问题。

    The study of the group representation character is switched to the study of the center of a group algebra and generators for the center of a group algebra .