
  • 网络Earthquake swarm;swarm earthquake;Swarm Quake
  1. 群震型(多震旋回)剖面也可划分出前震、主震、后震等序列。

    The profile of seismic cluster type ( multiseismic cycle ) is divided into a sequence of early seism , main seism and late seism .

  2. 巴楚伽师6.8级地震前地磁异常特征并不十分突出,有别于19961998年伽师强震群震前地磁异常量较丰富的特点。

    The characteristics of the geomagnetic anomaly aren 't very marked before the Bachu-Jiashi earthquake with M_S6.8 . It is different from geomagnetic anomalies which are abundant in the Jiashi strong swarm from 1996 to 1998 .

  3. 讨论了1965年以来云南地区强震孕育过程中地震类型的动态变化,发现:云南地区发生6.7级以上强震前数月至数年,云南省内均有2次以上5级双震或群震型地震发生;

    The dynamic changes of earthquake types during strong earthquake preparation processes since 1965 in Yunnan were discussed . It was found that more than two M5.0 double earthquakes or swarm earthquakes occurred several months or years before M ≥ 6.0 strong earthquakes .

  4. 以上结果表明,用归一化熵值K≥0.8来区别前兆震群与一般震群,结果没有华北地区的那样显著。

    The above results show that the method that precursory earthquake swarms and general ones were discriminated by using the normalized entropy value K ( K ≥ 0.8 ), is not as clear as that of North China region .

  5. 运城震群序列及其震相特征&华北地区遥测地震台网联网论文续四

    Yuncheng swarm sequence and the recording characteristics of the seismic phases

  6. 1976年龙陵震群的小震震源机制

    Focal mechanisms of small events to Longling earthquake swarms in 1976

  7. 唐山大震前后一般震群与前兆震群时空演化特征研究

    The spatio temporal evolution characteristics of general earthquake swarms and precursory swarms before and after the Tangshan earthquake

  8. 本文概述了震区的区域地震地质构造背景,并根据现场宏观考察资料对1987年8月中强地震群的发震构造部位、震源构造力学模型等问题作了初步论讨。

    This paper summarizes the background of the regional seismogeological structure and discusses some problems about the seismo-genetic structure mechanical model of focal structure of moderately strong earthquake swarms occurred in Aug. 1987 on the basis of the data in situ macroseismic survey .

  9. 而对一些小震群的研究得到震群地震尾波率衰减变化不大的初浅印象。

    Study of a number of small seismic swarms also gives us the preliminary understanding that the attenuation rate of seismic coda waves of swarms does not change considerably .

  10. 震源投影图显示:震群集结于莲花山断裂带南沿的F1断层沿伸线两侧,说明F1断层是震群的发震断层;

    Projections of sources have shown that swarm events were concentrated at both flanks of the extension of F2 fault which was located along the southern boundary of the Lianhuashan fault zone , suggesting that F1 fault was the seismogenic fault for the swarm .