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  1. 从文献角度讲,五经是包括文学在内的中国文化之源,作为群言之祖,五经的意义首先在于其对中国文化之道的承载,其次则在于载道的具体方式。

    The importance of Five Classics , the origin of Chinese culture including literature in terms of document , lies in its action and concrete mode of carrying Chinese culture .

  2. 并结合目前活跃于荧屏的各类节目形态,归纳出电视新闻评论常见的栏目类型:访谈式、群言式、调查式、读报式。

    And be tied in wedlock at present actively in glimmering screen program of all kinds form , the news summing up in TV discusses the common column type : The interview is dyadic , words , is dyadic , inquires into style , reads newspaper style .