- 动gang fight;pitched battle

On Determination of Intentional Injury Crime at Group Fisticuffs
A free-for-all broke out on the baseball diamond .
This video of Philadelphia police beating three men is rocking the city 's police department .
Put the plug in the socket . She stabs the undead and the teams get to fighting .
The student is believed to have been shot during a scuffle after a cannister of tear gas was discharged .
Inferno : this spell will now cause the infernal 's attacks to put the Warlock into combat with neutral town guards .
If it happened on a football pitch at the very poor level I play at there would have been war , because everyone could see it was unnecessary .
You all countries who can guarantee on something big or small events each other when dealing with no conflict , and finally into the world of ou nuclear fire ?
She stabs the undead and the teams get to fighting . The student is believed to have been shot during a scuffle after a cannister of tear gas was discharged .
While in case of complex scenes , the proposed method using motion activity features is a good choice to detect the battering events and it is proved to have high recall and precision .
Guests of honour included the Chinese Olympic football team , whose friendly match with Queen 's Park Rangers last week descended into a mass brawl which left one player with a broken jaw .
The fighting of a large number of people and people gathering event can be detected by characteristics such as crowed density , motion intensity , direction of motion and crowed area change . We also can predict the things after people gathering event happens .