
  • 网络group phenomenon
  1. 浅析共同富裕与当前的弱势群体现象

    Analyze common prosperity and the current social weak group phenomenon

  2. 近代湖南的人才群体现象及其原因

    On the Phenomenon of Elite Groups in Modern Hunan Province

  3. 新形势下高校学生非正式群体现象刍议

    On the Freely Organized Societies of College Students Under the New Situation

  4. 20世纪上半叶中国教育学家群体现象研究

    Study on the Phenomenon Group of Chinese Educationists during the First 20th Century

  5. 这就是利益群体现象。

    This is the phenomenon of interest groups .

  6. 城市新失业群体现象之教育原因与对策思路

    The causes and resolution of the phenomenon of the newly urban & unemployed community

  7. 普通高校大学生足球小群体现象解析

    Analysis of university student football groups

  8. 随着素质教育的推进,学生弱势群体现象是一个非常紧迫的研究课题。

    With promotion of quality education , the study on the disadvantaged student group is very important .

  9. 笔者在本文中试图构建一个说明性的博弈模型,按照从群体现象到微观个体行为的顺序逐次推导我国上市公司再融资行为与市场反应的机理。

    We tried to construct a game model to prescribe the phenomena according from macro-current to micro-behavior order .

  10. 青少年学生非正式群体现象是人类社会群体生活中的一种客观存在,是我们不能回避的事实。

    The phenomenon of non - formal groups of juvenile students is the objective fact of the group life of human society .

  11. 随着我国高校收费制度改革的深入和高等教育的大发展,高校贫困生作为一个群体现象已受到社会各界的广泛关注。

    With the reform of tuition fee system of higher education , students who cannot afford tuition have appeared as a special group at colleges .

  12. 探讨了新形势下高校学生非正式群体现象产生的原因、特征及对学生工作的影响。

    This article probes into the causes and characteristics of freely organized societies of college students under the new situation and their influence upon the students management affairs .

  13. 第三,从集聚经济的类型出发,分析了传统集聚经济在解释城市群体现象中的局限性。

    Meanwhile , it analyses grounding on the types of agglomeration & localization economies and urbanization economies , the limitation of agglomeration economies in explaining the large city-region phenomenon .

  14. 目前我国社会出现的弱势群体现象,构成了影响社会稳定与社会发展的重要风险因素之一,也严重地影响了我国和谐社会的构建。

    At present , appearance of weak group in our society constitutes an important risk factor to influence social steady and development , also affects the construction of our harmonious society .

  15. 但粒子群算法本身来源于生物群体现象,其理论基础并不完备。而且由于其属于随机的近似优化算法,主要应用于连续区域,因此该算法存在早熟收敛和对离散性的问题难以应用的缺点。

    But , because it is a stochastic approximate algorithm , the theory of Particle Swarm Optimization is incomplete , and there exist deficiencies on premature convergence and difficulty of application in discrete problem .

  16. 纵观现当代文学史,笔者发现,曹禺现象不是一种个人的行为,而是一种群体现象。

    Looks over the present contemporary history of literature , the author discovered that , " the Cao Yu phenomenon " is not one kind of individual behavior , but is a population body phenomenon .

  17. 大学校园的非正式群体现象,一直以来游离于我们的视线之外,游离于高校正式群体之外,高校思想政治工作如何面对非正式群体这种客观现象?

    The phenomenon of informal group in university has always been out of our sight , out of the sight of formal group . How to face this objective phenomenon of informal group in the ideological political work in university ?

  18. 从社会背景模型理论和社会学习与社会角色理论出发,将欺负行为看作群体现象,干预措施着眼于学生对欺负行为的态度、对自身参与角色的认知上,是切实可行的。

    Based on the theory of social context model and of social learning and social role , the intervention method focused on the change of attitude toward bullying and the realization of their participant role among bullying episode and it is practicable .

  19. 中学生非正式群体现象是人类社会群体生活中的一种客观存在,是我们不能回避的事实,它对中学生的思想和行为有着不可替代的影响和作用。

    The phenomenon of informal groups among the middle school students is a kind of objective existence in the group life in human society and cannot be neglected . It also exerts irreplaceable influence on the thoughts and behaviors of the middle school students .

  20. 这源于自然界中广泛存在的群体现象,大规模群体系统不仅可以描述和解释大多数生物群体的群体协调行为和白组织现象,而且在工程上具有广阔的应用前景。

    The effort has been inspired by common swarming phenomena existing in nature everywhere . The scale networked swarm system not only can describe and explain most of the coordinated behaviors and self-organization phenomena of biological swarms , but also has potential applications in engineering .

  21. 遗传规划不依赖问题域,无需对输入的数据进行预处理,可避免过早地陷入局部最优群体现象,不依赖梯度信息,使得收敛速率加快,模型表达简单、精度高、适用范围广。

    Genetic Programming does not rely on problem domain , not pre-process data , avoid the premature phenomenon of a group of local optimum and not rely on gradient information , that speeds up the convergence rate and the models are simple expression , high-accuracy and wide-applicable .

  22. 近年来,AHLs介导的群体感应现象如何影响食品的品质以及与食品腐败和致病菌致病性的关系成为食品防腐保鲜和致病菌防治领域的一个新的研究热点。

    In recent years , researches were on how AHLs-mediated quorum sensing affects food spoilage and pathogenicity of pathogenic bacteria . It was a new research focus in the field of the preservation of food and pathogen control .

  23. 这是否只是一种仅存在于社会企业家群体的现象?

    Is this just a phenomenon among social entrepreneurs ?

  24. 群体感应现象在细菌中普遍存在,参与细菌多种生理功能的调控。

    The quorum sensing commonly exists in procaryote kingdom , regulating various biologic functions .

  25. 然而,在我国目前的教育现实中,还存在着排斥、歧视学生弱势群体的现象。

    However , there are still phenomena of excluding or discriminating against the vulnerable students in education .

  26. 诗歌流派、诗歌社团、诗歌朗诵会等,构成了比较典型的群体传播现象。

    Poetry schools , poetry corporations , poetry recitation and so on are typical phenomenon of colony transmission .

  27. 细菌的群体感应现象转变了人们长期以来认为细菌是自由生活的单细胞生物这种看法。

    It has long been assumed that bacteria are free-living , unicellular organisms until the phenomenon of bacterial quorum-sensing .

  28. 网络的群体极化现象表现为网上相互争论异常激烈,并出现观点立场严重分化的极端行为。

    The group polarization of the internet shows an unusually fierce online mutual debate , and the seriously divided extreme behavior of the views .

  29. 政治参与的过程中普遍伴随着群体极化现象,并且其对政治参与有着不可忽视的影响。

    The process of political participation in general accompanied by the phenomenon of group polarization , and their political participation would have a negligible impact .

  30. 这种城市群体化现象对带动、促进我国区域经济发展,更好地参与全球经济竞争发挥着巨大的作用。

    The urban agglomerations are important to lead and enhance our regional economic development and of great help for our country to participate better in the global economic competition .