
  • 网络glabella
  1. 眉间点作为种植体植入部位应慎重。

    The glabella region is not optimal but an alternative option for nasal implants .

  2. 方法应用CT测量50例(男30,女20)头颅小脑延髓池安全穿刺深度和头最大长、眉间点至枕外隆凸点长,作了相关和回归分析。

    Methods Correlation of safety paracentesis depth in cerebellomedullary cistern , maximum heads length and glabella inion line of 50 adults ( 30 males and 20 females ) head specimens were measured by CT . It was done the correlation and regression analysis .

  3. 结果小脑延髓池安全穿刺深度为男3834±369mm,女3553±339mm,由头最大长和眉间点至枕外隆凸点长推导出推算小脑延髓池安全穿刺深度的男、女两个回归方程。

    Results The safety paracentesis depth in the cerebellomedullary cistern are 38.34 ± 3 69 mm ( male ) and 35 53 ± 3 39 mm ( female ), maximum heads length and glabella inion line calculated two regression equation of safety paracentesis depth in the cerebellomedullary cistern .