
méi jiān
  • glabella;glabellum;intercilium
眉间 [méi jiān]
  • [glabella] 在二侧眉毛间、额部的平坦隆起;亦指紧接着鼻根上方的额骨或正中矢状断面通过此区的一点

眉间[méi jiān]
  1. 目的建立眉间-枕外粗隆三维体表坐标系,在MRI和CT图像上观测颅内结构,进行精确体表定位。

    Objective To localization of intracranial structures or lesions on glabella - external occipital protuberance line coordinate system on body surface .

  2. 眉间点作为种植体植入部位应慎重。

    The glabella region is not optimal but an alternative option for nasal implants .

  3. 方法应用CT测量50例(男30,女20)头颅小脑延髓池安全穿刺深度和头最大长、眉间点至枕外隆凸点长,作了相关和回归分析。

    Methods Correlation of safety paracentesis depth in cerebellomedullary cistern , maximum heads length and glabella inion line of 50 adults ( 30 males and 20 females ) head specimens were measured by CT . It was done the correlation and regression analysis .

  4. 该脉轮被称为眉间轮或第三眼的中心。

    This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center .

  5. 结论眉间-枕外粗隆可作为三维体表坐标系。

    Conclusion Glabella-external occipital protuberance line coordinate systems on body surface are available .

  6. 鼻背鼻肌-降眉间肌腱膜的解剖和组织学观察及有关命名的商榷

    Anatomical and histological observation on soft tissue of nasal dorsum and the nasalis-procerus aponeurosis

  7. 没有时间等待她眉间的柔情展开成唇的微笑

    No time to wait till her mouth can enrich that smile her eyes began

  8. 除眉间皱纹防止血管神经损伤的解剖学研究

    The Anatomic Research of Avoiding the Nerve and Artery Injury in the Glabella Rhytidectomy

  9. 没有时间等待她眉间的柔情,展开成唇的微笑。

    No time to wait till her mouth canEnrich that smile her eyes began .

  10. 内镜辅助眉间鼻根锁孔入路的显微解剖

    Microanatomy of endoscope-assisted glabellar nasial keyhole approach

  11. 却有水雾氤湿了眉间。

    There mist Xe wet brow .

  12. 汉霄苍茫,牵住繁华哀伤,弯眉间,命中注定,成为过往。

    Han silvery clouds , call prosperous grief , bending the brow , fated , become past .

  13. 眉间-枕外粗隆体表坐标系的研究内镜辅助眉间鼻根锁孔入路的显微解剖

    Investigation of glabella-external occipital protuberance line coordinate system on body surface Microanatomy of endoscope-assisted glabellar nasial keyhole approach

  14. 目的:探讨金属丝手术刀皮下切割治疗眉间纹、鼻唇沟纹并发症的形成原因、预防及治疗。

    Objective : To discuss the cause of glabellum wrinkle and nasolabium wrinkle formation and its treatment and prevention .

  15. 天使们晓得,有过多的讲实际的人,就着梦想着眉间的汗,吃他们的面包。

    The angels know that too many practical men eat their bread with the sweat of the dreamer 's brow .

  16. 伦敦的乔治斯·罗曼的诊所外,女士们排着队来找这位在消除皱纹和眉间除皱方面著名的整容皮肤专家。

    IN GEORGES ROMAN 'S clinic in London , women queue to see a cosmetic dermatologist renowned for zapping wrinkles and smoothing brows .

  17. 她躺在床上,脸色惨白,眼里充满恐怖,双唇不动,双眉间有一道竖着的细细的皱纹。

    She lay in bed , white , with terror-filled eyes , her lips set and a little vertical line between the brows .

  18. 嘉莉自己并不知道,但是在她的眉间稍稍出现了一些皱纹,而且她的嘴也很奇特地撅着。

    Carrie did not know it , but there was the least show of wrinkles between her eyes and her mouth was puckered quaintly .

  19. 各例术后效果均较满意,手术能纠正眉下垂、眼角下垂,减少颞部皱纹及眉间皱纹。

    The procedure is usually performed to correct the ptosis of the eyebrow and lateral canthus , to eliminate the temporal and glabellar wrinkles as well etc.

  20. 结论:眼轮匝肌、皱眉肌、降眉间肌和额肌具有速度型设计的构筑特征,肌的收缩力量小。

    Conclusions : Corrugator supercilii muscle , procerus , frontalis and orbicularis oculi possess the architectural features of " velocity type " and small contraction forces .

  21. 同时切断皱眉肌及降眉间肌,消除皮肤眉间纹及鼻根横纹。眉间-枕外粗隆体表坐标系的研究

    Meanwhile sever corrugator and procerus to eliminate glabella wrinkles and nasion wrinkles . Investigation of glabella - external occipital protuberance line coordinate system on body surface

  22. 我们认为,浅层致密胶原纤维,与鼻肌横部和降眉间肌呈包裹关系,为鼻肌&降眉间肌腱膜;

    The superficial layer of compact collagen fibres directly attached to and wraped up nasalis transversus and procerus , and it was named the nasalis-procerus aponeurosis ;

  23. 方法:所有7例患者均采用传统颅内外联合径路手术,通过双侧头皮冠状切口和鼻正中部眉间矢状切口行眶周截骨,眶内移和骨块固定,缩小内眶距。

    Methods In all the 7 cases we employed traditional osteotomies , bone resection and bone graft fixation through coronary and nasofrontal incisions to reduce their interorbital distance .

  24. 降眉间肌起于鼻骨与鼻外侧软骨连接处以上,止于两眉内侧的水平线。

    The origin of procerus was beyond the line between nasal bone and lateral nasal cartilage , and the insertion point was at the level of both medial eyebrows .

  25. 《铸剑》的主要人物不是眉间尺,主题亦非赞扬古代人的抗暴牺牲精神。

    The main characters in " Sword Casting " are not the rulers of eyebrow . The theme is not to praise the spirit against violent repression of ancient people .

  26. 珠儿依旧用她的食指指点着;眉间渐渐皱起;由于这姿态表情来自一个满脸稚气、甚至象婴儿般面孔的孩子,就给人印象尤深。

    Pearl still pointed with her forefinger ; and a frown gathered on her brow ; the more impressive from the childish , the almost baby-like aspect of the features that conveyed it .

  27. 本实用新型操作简便,能有效去除额部、颞部、眉间皱纹,且对皮肤无切口,无损伤,无异物进入。

    The utility model is convenient in operation , effective for forehead , temple and glabellum wrinkle removal , no cut or hurt on the skin and no foreign bodies brought into the tissues .

  28. 张素素睁大了眼睛诧异,眉尖也皱紧了。他的髭须,眼镜,又粗又厚的眉毛,和两眉间的皱纹,合组而成一个恶魔似的容貌。

    Chang Su-su 's eyes opened wide in astonishment and her forehead wrinkled . There was such a diabolical conglomeration of mustache , glasses , fairly bushy eyebrows and knitted lines where the eyebrows met !

  29. 这款新应用通过扫描面部表情获取情绪特征,比如下垂的嘴角、眼睛、眉间皱纹等,捕捉人们可能忽略的隐藏情绪。

    The new app scans the face for signs of emotions , such as downturned lips and eyes and frown lines , and can often pick up on hidden feelings that a person may be ignoring .

  30. 谁的纤指拨弦,弹奏着一曲情爱的清音,纵然那眉间似水的柔媚,如花的梅妆,却也惊得一树的芳香,梅花三弄的雅兴。

    Who plucked , playing with a love of the voiceless , even though it 's soft Things glabella , flowery makeup of the plum , but also a tree aromatic , of Three Variations of Plum Flowers .