
xiōng qián
  • Anterior chest;prethoracic;colpus
胸前[xiōng qián]
  1. 这婴儿胸前淌满了口水。

    There was dribble all down the baby 's front .

  2. 他的外套胸前别着一排勋章。

    A row of medals was pinned to the breast of his coat .

  3. 她把孩子抱在胸前。

    She cradled the child against her breast .

  4. 她紧紧地把他抱在胸前。

    She pressed him to her bosom .

  5. 他胸前长出了毛。

    Hair sprouted from his chest .

  6. 她一动不动地站着,低着头,双手紧扣在胸前。

    She stood still , head bowed , hands clasped in front of her .

  7. 将军胸前戴着所有的勋章。

    The general was wearing all his medals on his chest .

  8. 他左胸前佩戴着一张名牌。

    He was wearing a nameplate on his left breast .

  9. 它就象佩在胸前的护身符一样。

    It was like a talisman worn in bosom .

  10. 金光闪闪的别针佩在我国爱国妇女的胸前,多美呀!

    How beautifully gold brooches glitter on the bosoms of our patriotic women !

  11. 没叫醒他,老板悄无声息地在我的同事的胸前放了个纸条。“睡觉时”,条上写着,“你是我的员工,醒来你就不是了。”

    Rather than wake him , he quietly placed a note on the man 's chest . " As long as you 're asleep , " it read , " you have a job . But as soon as you wake up , you 're fired . "

  12. 对我来说,爱在身患残疾的儿子们给我的每一个拥抱里,在女儿对我的冷笑话给予的微笑里,爱在我的老猎犬和新宠物狗崇拜的目光中,在我胸前小憩喵咪的呼噜声中。

    It is there every time my handicapped sons give me a hug . It is there every time my daughter laughs at one of my dumb jokes . It is there in the adoring eyes of my old beagle and my new puppy . It is there in the purring cat that naps on my chest .

  13. 关胸前发现B组肺部明显充血,而A组无此情况。

    The lung was engorged seriously in Group B before the closure of the chest .

  14. crossyourheart:在自己胸前画十字(发誓,赌咒)你发誓,你是真的吗?

    Cross your heart ; do you really ?

  15. 胸前导联心电图显示巨T波倒置,R波振幅增高。

    ECG showed giant T wave inversion and increase of R amplitudes in chest leads .

  16. 右侧胸前导联r波递增序列异常18例(25%);

    The number of right precordial leads with abnormal r waves were 18 ( 25 % ) .

  17. 不稳定型心绞痛发作时胸前导联ST段压低伴T波倒置的临床意义

    Clinical significance of ST segment depression with T wave inversion in unstable angina

  18. 结论全麻机械通气下开胸前体位对呼吸力学影响较大,双肺通气时体位由平卧位变为侧卧位时CT降低,气道压力增加;

    Conclusion There is significant increase in Ppeak and decrease in CT from supine to the lateral position during both lung ventilation .

  19. 急性下壁心梗心电图胸前导联ST段下降与冠状动脉造影的关系

    Analysis of the relationship between ST - segments depression on precordial leads and angiography in AIMI

  20. 急性下壁心肌梗死时胸前和(或)侧壁导联ST段压低的意义

    Implication of ST-segments depression on precordial and / or lateral leads in acute inferior myocardial infarction

  21. 11例急性下壁合并正后壁心肌梗死者心电图胸前导联ST段压低者8例(占72.7%)。

    Occurrence rate of ST segment depression in patients with posterior myocardial infarction patients was 72.7 % .

  22. 急性下壁心肌梗死伴胸前导联ST段压低与冠状动脉病变的关系及临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Precordial ST Segment Depression in Acute Inferior Myocardial Infraction and its Relation with Lesion of Coronary Artery

  23. 胸前神经主要支配横行纤维,并在其中部形成一“U”形的神经襻。

    The former innervated cross fibers mainly , it penetrated the middle of muscle belly and formed a " U-Shaped " nerve ansa .

  24. 方法18例MG采用VATS经右胸前侧径路行胸腺切除联合纵隔脂肪清扫。

    Methods Eighteen patients with MG underwent thoracoscopic thymectomy along with mediastinal fat cleaning through right anterior lateral approach .

  25. 发现胸前导联ST段改变时,尤其是ST段压低时.提示有多支冠脉病变,特别是前降支病变。

    It appeared that ST changes in precordial leads , especially ST depression , sug-gested coronary multiple-branch lesions particularly the anterior descending branch .

  26. 方法:对77例急性下壁心肌梗死患者入院时心电图和冠状动脉造影资料进行分析,并根据入院时心电图胸前导联ST段下降范围将患者分为4组。

    Methods : Seventy seven patients with inferior AMI were allocated into four groups based on the extent of precordial ST segment depression .

  27. 本文介绍了新一代的经静脉胸前植入ICD。

    This study presents a new approach-nonthoracotomy subpectoral implantation of ICD .

  28. 胸前导联合并Ⅱ、Ⅲ、avF导联ST段抬高的急性心肌梗死患者的临床和冠状动脉造影特点

    Clinical and Angiographic Characteristics of Patients With Combined Precordial Leads and ⅱ, ⅲ, avF ST-Segment Elevation

  29. 目的探讨ECG胸前导联ST段抬高伴下壁Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联ST段压低与冠状动脉(冠脉)病变的关系。

    Objective To study the relationship between ST segment elevation associated with ⅱ, ⅲ, aVF ST segment depression in ECG and coronary artery disease .

  30. 428例不稳定型心绞痛中,93例(21.7%)出现胸前导联ST段压低伴T波倒置。

    Out of 428 cases with unstable angina , 93 ( 21.7 % ) cases had ST segment depression with T wave inversion confined by the precordial leads .