
xiōng máo
  • chest hair
胸毛[xiōng máo]
  1. 我们刚准备吃饭,然后染我们的胸毛。

    We were just gonna eat and then dye our chest hair .

  2. 我倒是不生气,我只有十六岁,我没有胸毛不是这样子的

    I 'm not mad I 'm 16 , I don 't have chest hair and I am not like

  3. 我女儿就是痴迷于那些胸毛浓密的男子。

    My daughter is just gaga over men with hairy chests .

  4. 她摸着他那浓密的淡棕色胸毛。

    She touched the thick mat of sandy hair on his chest .

  5. 健美运动员剃去胸毛以展示肌肉。

    Body builders shave their chests to show off their muscles

  6. 大多数男子长有胸毛。

    The majority of men have hair on their chest

  7. 这是EPL最具偶像性的时刻之一。如果明天在OT打进阿森纳的大门,吉格斯可能会再次展示自己的胸毛。

    It is one of the most iconic images in the game and Ryan Giggs has threatened to show off his hairy chest again if he scores another crucial goal against Arsenal at Old Trafford tomorrow .

  8. 有些男模特拔掉自己的胸毛。

    Some male models pluck the hairs out of their chests .

  9. 敞开,让那四根胸毛来透透气。

    Unbuttoned , give those four chest hairs a chance to breathe .

  10. 我的胸毛刺痛要出乱子了。

    My chest hairs are tingling . Something 's wrong .

  11. 我知道他兄弟帮他剃胸毛。

    I know that his brother shaves his chest .

  12. 据悉,绝经后的年长妇女更能接受胸毛多的伴侣。

    But post-menopausal women prefer their men hairy .

  13. 他宽阔的胸膛没有胸毛但肌肉发达。

    His broad chest was hairless and muscular .

  14. 她扯下我的一根胸毛。

    She pulled a hair from my chest .

  15. 男人的本事不是以他胸毛的多寡来衡量。

    The strength of a man isn 't shown in the hair on his chest .

  16. 胸毛和他的头发差不多&黑色的卷毛并夹有几根稀疏的灰毛。

    The chest hair was like that of his head-black and curly with a few fine wires of gray .

  17. 没有胸毛的男人要比有胸毛的更有可能得肝硬化。

    Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of the liver than men with hair .

  18. 他胸毛太多导致医生无法听到他的心跳,所以,他们把那部分刮掉了。

    He had too much chest hair for the doctor to be able to hear his heartbeat so they shaved part of it off .

  19. 尽管外露的胸毛可能消失,尽管通讯录为黑莓所代替,其它的模式则延续下来,如果说还有其它任何改变的话,那只能是如今的经纪人比过去几十年里的前辈更富于进取精神。

    Though visible chest hair may have gone and Rolodexes been replaced by BlackBerrys , other stereotypes endure . If anything , today 's agents are even more aggressive than in previous decades .

  20. 卷毛皮时,他们总是让内层朝外。胸毛和他的头发差不多&黑色的卷毛并夹有几根稀疏的灰毛。

    In lapping up a fur , they always put the inner side outwards . The chest hair was like that of his head-black and curly with a few fine wires of gray .

  21. 还有,超人也回来了,他是怎么从《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》逃生的,让大家猜测不已,但是没有什么好怕的了,他已经回来了,还有亨利·卡维尔(超人)的胸毛也回来了。

    And , hey , Superman 's there too ! How he survived that Batman v Superman death scene would constitute a spoiler , but never-fear , he 's back , as is Henry Cavill 's chest hair !

  22. 他还发现一个惊人的现象,那些在学习上表现出色的学生往往比其他学生体毛更多。虽然他的工作重心是研究胸毛,他还研究了男士们背后的毛跟智力的关系。

    He also found that students who excelled in their degree were often hairier than students who performed poorly.While his work focused particularly on chest hair , he also correlated the presence of back hair to intelligence in men .