
jiǎo zhǐ jiɑ
  • toenail
  1. 是指脚指甲生长到肉中,指甲内嵌生长可引起疼痛,红肿或是感染。

    A toenail that has grown into the skin , an ingrown toenail can result in pain , redness , swelling , even infection .

  2. 她精心地把脚指甲涂成妖艳的红色或橙色。

    She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange .

  3. 他们说脚指甲就好像人的牙齿一样。

    They say that toenails are the teeth of the foot .

  4. 最长的脚指甲记录保持者来自美国加州的LouiseHollis,她成功地将脚指甲留到6寸长。

    The longest toenails record belongs to Californian Louise Hollis who has managed to grow and maintain toenails that are approximately six inches long .

  5. 你可以八个星期都不用修剪脚指甲。

    Where you don 't clip your toenails for eight weeks .

  6. 比如你的脚指甲长得太快。

    Like the way YD D toenaienen grow all crazy .

  7. 你今天要不要修一修手指甲或脚指甲呢?

    Would you like a manicure or pedicure today ?

  8. 我想在脚指甲上涂上指甲油。

    I want to varnish my toe nails .

  9. 对脚指甲的专业护理。

    Professional care for the feet and toenails .

  10. 我小时候常咬脚指甲,但现在不了。

    I used to bite my toenails when I was younger but now don 't.

  11. 如果脚指甲长得很弯,或者已经嵌入肉里面,你可能需要别人帮忙来处理。

    If you have deeply curved or ingrown nails , you may need help trimming them .

  12. 名义涂有初级虫胶漆、防腐化剂和奥加尔的脚指甲。

    Your rifle 's finish is low grade shellac , cosmoline and Olga 's toe nails .

  13. 他脚指甲长了刺,卡夫要带他去看足疗师,他抗议;

    He is protesting when Calf brings him to feet doctor for his problem toe nail ;

  14. 我只是涂了你的脚指甲。

    I just painted your toenails .

  15. 美丽女孩当然连脚指甲也不会放过,美丽的脚性感妖艳,要把它打扮得五光十色才好!

    Beautiful girls even toenails certainly will not miss , beautiful feet sexy pretty and flirtatious , it should only multicolored dress !

  16. 指甲彩绘,手指甲/脚指甲的修剪,指甲稍,丙烯酸和胶印,指甲镶嵌珠宝,等等。

    Nail Art , Manicure / Pedicure items , Files Buffers , Tips , Acrylic Gel products , nail jewellery and more .

  17. 在索马里兰的首府哈尔格萨一个平静的安乐窝里,女人们作着她们的发型和染脚指甲。

    In a cocoon of calm , women have their hair styled and feet decorated with henna in Hargeysa , Somaliland 's capital .

  18. 热卖之最-这是一台经济,安全与智慧型双功能彩绘机,为您的手指甲与脚指甲彩绘出亮眼图案。

    This is an economical , safe and intelligent printer which offers dual functionality to print nail art designs on fingernails and toenails .

  19. 指甲修剪师进行修理指甲工作的人手术,如去肉垂、冠或某些脚指甲,都必须由训练有素的人去做。

    Surgical procedures such as removing wattles , combe , or the toenails of certain toes must be done properly by one trained in the procedure .

  20. 另外,没有合适的工具,你很容易把脚指甲的碎片留在脚趾的肉里面,然后情况就会更糟糕。

    In addition , without the right tools it is easy to leave a fragment of the nail that will turn into an ingrown toenail and make the problem worse .

  21. 每逢周末,大城市的购物街上到处都是所谓的“美甲师”在路边为顾客美化手指甲或脚指甲。

    On weekends , some nail " technicians " can be seen filing , polishing and pounding the hands and feet of customers on the sidewalks of Orchard Road , the city 's main shopping street .

  22. 受测司机还承认曾在驾驶中与乘客换座位、看电影、涂脚指甲、照看宝宝和戴隐形。

    Drivers in the survey also admitted to changing seats with passengers , watching a movie , painting their toenails ( 3 ), nursing a baby and putting in contact lenses ( 4 ) while driving .

  23. 我要回家我还要去修个脚还有修指甲

    I am going home . And I 'm getting a pedicure . Oh !

  24. 在双脚浸润的情况下用磨脚石或指甲砂锉去除死皮。

    Remove corns with a pumice stone or emery board while your feet are soaking .