
  • 网络pin;pin-out;footprint
脚位 [jiǎo wèi]
  • [foot position] 舞蹈训练中脚的基本位置。古典芭蕾有五种脚位;中国古典舞的脚位主要表现为种类繁多的步位和步法,有正步、八字步、丁字步、虚步、弓步、扑步、碾步、颠步等

  1. 在计算机类机械脚位二进制数组更准确,原因是在时钟的长寿命减少摩擦。

    The computer-like mechanical bit pin binary array is more accurate and causes less friction over the clock 's long life .

  2. 在中心关闭状态,管脚位服从端口位。

    In the center-off state , the pin bit follows the port bit .

  3. 单板滑雪脚位角度与重心位置的分析

    Analyzing the Angle and Position Setup of the Snowboard Stance

  4. 对于单板滑雪运动员和爱好者来说,调整出自己的脚位角度和重心位置是非常重要的。

    For the athletes and fanciers in snowboard sports , it is very important to find out a good angle and position of snowboard stance according to own character .

  5. 最后,你要你的脚正位,这样从前面的脚跟贯穿后脚的足弓呈一直线。

    Eventually , you want your feet alignment to be so that a line drawn back from your front heel intersects the middle of the arch of your rear foot .

  6. 反在现代电女和中,雷达据无无脚沉沉的位放。

    On the modern electronic war , radar 's status is proved decisive .

  7. 膈肌脚后间隙占位性病变的CT分析

    CT Analysis of Crura of Diaphragm Space Occupying Lesions

  8. 微处理器的管脚状态依靠DDR位的值、端口位和其外部连接。

    The status of the pin of the microcontroller depends upon values of the DDR bit , the port bit , and its external connection .

  9. 我们用脚投票,一位员工对哈默尔表示。

    We vote with our feet , one employee tells Hamel .

  10. 不久,我在公交站台再一次看到她。她光着脚,跟一位年轻小伙子一起坐在路缘石上。

    And then I saw her again on the bus station , she was baring her feet and sitting on the edge of the road stone with a young man .