
jiǎo tà chē
  • bicycle;bike;push bike
脚踏车 [jiǎo tà chē]
  • [bicycle] 〈方〉∶自行车

  1. 老太太看见小偷从街上跑过,便骑脚踏车去追赶。

    The old lady saw the thief running up the street and gave chase on her bicycle .

  2. 她知道她当时跑得多快,因为她的教练骑着脚踏车在为她定步速。

    She knew how fast she was running , because her trainer was pacing her on a bicycle .

  3. 我姨丈约翰送我一台脚踏车当生日礼物。

    My uncle John sent me a bike as a birthday gift .

  4. 汤姆看见他的新脚踏车时,一定十分高兴。

    Tom will really light up when he sees his new bike .

  5. 他骑脚踏车去叫医生。

    He pedaled off to summon a doctor .

  6. 一个害怕擦伤膝盖而从不试着骑脚踏车下坡的孩子,他永远不会满怀信心地骑车。

    A kid who never tries cycling downhill because he 's afraid of scraping his knee will never feel confident while riding a bike .

  7. 在B脚踏车的轮胎上有只苍蝇

    So you have a fly on the tire of bicycle B ,

  8. 实际上,在健身脚踏车上运动一次便会影响你的DNA。

    In fact , a single session on a stationary bike can affect your very DNA .

  9. 它离开B脚踏车的轮胎飞向A脚踏车的轮胎就这么来来回回不断的飞

    leaves the tire of bicycle B and it flies to the tire of bicycle A and backwards and forwards

  10. 当车祸发生的时候,John正沿著街道骑著他的脚踏车。

    When the accident happened , John was riding his bicycle along the street .

  11. v.支撑他把脚踏车靠在篱笆上。

    prop He propped his bicycle up against the fence .

  12. FES脚踏车电机辅助系统的速度控制

    Speed control of FES cycling with motor assist

  13. 本文详细的综述了功能性电刺激脚踏车系统研究领域的国内外研究状况,以实验室已有研究成果为基础,开展了FES脚踏车刺激环的设计及研究。

    This paper introduces the research of FES Cycling at home and abroad and develop the FES Cycling stimulation loop based on the previous research .

  14. 很多人疯狂地通过Kickstarter和Indiegogo等网站资助别人搞创业,接受资助的企业有中既有做脚踏车的,也有做电灯泡的,甚至还有拍电影的。

    The craze for raising contributions via websites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo is helping to launch companies from scooter manufacturers to lightbulb vendors to filmmakers .

  15. 他们连续6日每日饮用500ml有机甜菜根汁,而后完成一系列测试,包括骑健身脚踏车。

    They were given500ml per day of organic beetroot juice for six consecutive days before completing a series of tests , involving cycling on an exercise bike .

  16. 仿真结果表明,FES脚踏车系统能实现对任意速度轨迹的跟踪,并且轨迹跟踪精度高、抗干扰能力及鲁棒性较强,该算法为FES脚踏车系统速度控制提供了一种新的鲁棒控制策略。

    The simulation results demonstrate that FES cycling can implement the ability of automatic track to arbitrary speed profiles and has strong performance of disturbance rejection and robustness . The controlled algorithm provides a new robust control strategy for FES cycling .

  17. 它重701磅(32kg),翼展96英尺(29米),内部引擎是踩脚踏车的布赖恩·艾伦,他身材削瘦,被固定在里面,竭尽全力地踩脚踏板。

    It weighed70lb ( 32kg ), with a wingspan of96 feet ( 29 metres ), and the engine inside it was a lean , determined cyclistcalled Bryan Allen , pedalling for all he was worth .

  18. 不,我不会。我不会骑脚踏车。

    No , I can 't.I can 't ride a bicycle .

  19. 校园旁边就是徒步旅行和骑脚踏车的小径。

    The campus is right next to hiking and biking trails .

  20. 骑脚踏车的男孩并没有骑得很远。

    The boy on the bicycle didn 't ride very far .

  21. 这个周末,你要去健行还是要骑脚踏车?

    Do you want to go hiking or biking this weekend ?

  22. 非经许可之车辆及脚踏车请勿进入校园。

    No bikes or vehicles are allowed to campus unless permitted .

  23. 你的脚踏车上有灯吗?

    NO06 , Do you have any lights on your bike ?

  24. 我想骑脚踏车去会快一些。

    I think it would be quicker to go by bicycle .

  25. 我骑脚踏车去镇上拿。

    I 'll bicycle down to the village and get them .

  26. 他骑着他的脚踏车越过整条街。

    He got on his bicycle and rode down the street .

  27. 甚至有一个男孩有辆电动脚踏车。

    I even know a boy who 's got a scooter .

  28. 当我在店里时我的脚踏车被偷了。

    My bicycle was stolen while I was in the shop .

  29. 我把脚踏车吊在天花板的挂钩上。

    I hang my bicycle on a hook from the ceiling .

  30. 比尔把喇叭夹紧在脚踏车的龙头上。

    Bill clamped the horn to the handlebar of his bicycle .