
kuànɡ shí pín huà
  • ore dilution
  1. 矿石贫化率取决于放矿参数。

    The ore dilution rate depends on the ore drawing parameters .

  2. 对矿石贫化、损失的计算和管理的探讨

    A study on the computation and management of ore dilution and loss

  3. 铀矿开采中的矿石贫化及其经济分析

    Ore dilutions in mining of some uranium deposits and their economical analysis

  4. 降低银山矿矿石贫化的实践

    Management Practice of Decreasing Ore Dilution in Yinshan Mine

  5. 遂昌金矿降低采矿损失率及矿石贫化率的生产实践

    The practice of lowering ore loss and dilution ratio in Suichang Gold Mine

  6. 浅谈控制和降低矿石贫化的意义与对策

    Meaning and Countermeasures of Controlling and Decreasing Ore Depletion

  7. 浅谈东乡铜矿影响矿石贫化损失的因素及改进措施

    The discussion about the factors that affect the ore dilution and loss of Dongxiang Copper Mine and its improvement

  8. 浅谈矿山企业控制和降低采矿损失率与矿石贫化率

    Simple Discussion about the Control and the Decrease in Ore loss Rate and Ore Dilution Rate of Mine Enterprises

  9. 本文概述了产生矿石贫化的原因,并对矿石贫化作了经济分析。

    The relationship between the production cost of uranium product with the uranium ore and ore dilution was also given .

  10. 避免了顶板千枚岩的过早冒落,改善了放矿条件,降低了矿石贫化、损失率,提高了爆破质量、改善了大爆破安全条件,取得了较好的技术经济效果。

    It is a good way to reduce the dilution loss of mining and improve the safety and quality of blasting .

  11. 采矿损失率和矿石贫化率是表征一个矿山企业采矿技术水平和管理水平的重要参数。

    Mining loss and dilution are important indices that demonstrate the technology level of mining and management level of a mine .

  12. 充填体在开采过程中往往由于剪切滑移而产生垮落破坏,造成矿石贫化。

    The collapses of backfill pillars induced by shear forces commonly occurred in mining process , resulting in the ore dilution .

  13. 降低采场矿石贫化率和采矿损失率的有效措施用户无功管理对降损工作的影响分析及措施

    Effective measures to control ore dilution ratio and mining loss rate in mine stope Measures and Influence of User Reactive-load Management to Loss Reduction

  14. 这种采矿方法极大地提高了采场生产能力,降低了矿石贫化损失和采矿成本,对同类矿体的开采有明显的现实意义。

    This method greatly promotes stoping productivity , reduces dilution losses of ore , cuts mining cost , and is useful in mining thin dipping orebodies .

  15. 对贺兰山磷矿矿石贫化损失的原因进行了分析,并提出相应管理措施。

    Based on analysis of reason for causing loss and dilution of ore , the measures to reduce loss and dilution of ore are put forward .

  16. 应用物元分析理论,建立了采矿损失、矿石贫化控制器,提出了分析和控制方法。

    This paper set up controller for ore mining loss and ore dilution and put forward analytical and controllable methods by using the matter element analytical theory .

  17. 对于急倾斜极薄矿脉的开采国内外最常用的采矿方法是浅孔留矿法,实践表明,该法存在人工劳动强度大、矿石贫化率高等缺点。

    As a result , the short hole shrinkage method with flat bottom structure was employed to mine the stope firstly , then stoping ore pillar by medium length hole caving method .

  18. 采矿指标:出矿品位、出矿量、采矿损失率、矿石贫化率、万吨采掘比、剥采比、采掘采剥车间劳动效率、采掘采剥车间单位电耗。

    1.2.1 Mining targets : excavated ore grade , ore yield , mining loss rate , ore dilution rate , ratio of ten thousand tons of ore to its excavation , ratio of overburden , excavating work efficiency , unit electricity consumption for excavation .

  19. 为了降低梅山铁矿的矿石贫化率,特别是降低大结构参数开采的矿石贫化率,开展了低贫化放矿的实验室模拟研究,进行了5种不同贫化率放矿的试验;

    To reduce the ore dilution rate , especially that of the mining with large structural parameter in Meishan Iron Mine , laboratory simulation study was made on low dilution ore drawing . Tests and technical and economical comparision were carried out on five alternatives .

  20. 本文简述了影响铀矿开采的地质特点,结合实例研究了采矿损失率和贫化率计算公式的应用和矿石贫化的经济评价以及降低损失和贫化的措施。

    This paper describes the geological characteristics influencing uranium mining and gives the examples of using the formulas for calculation of ore loss and dilution in mining . The economical evaluation of ore dilution and the measurements of decreasing ore loss and dilution are discussed .

  21. 其次,从采矿头的角度提出了“伪突起”的概念,且找出了“伪突起”的大小与结壳厚度及要求的矿石贫化率之间的关系。

    Secondly , the concept of " false protuberance " is put forward from the view of the cutting-head , and the relations of the size of " false protuberance ", the thickness of cobalt-rich crust and the required rate of ore dilution are found out .

  22. 采场结构参数对矿石损失贫化的影响分析

    Analysis of stope 's structural parameters causing ore loss & depletion

  23. 矿石损失贫化的经济评价与分析

    Economic evaluation and analysis of ore loss I and dilution

  24. 降低矿石损失贫化的综合技术措施研究

    Research of Comprehensive Technical Measures for Decrease in Ore Loss and Dilution

  25. 合理选择采矿方法降低矿石损失贫化

    Selecting the stoping Method Rationally to Reduce the Ore Loss and Dilution

  26. 最后提出矿石损失贫化综合分析方法。

    Finally the comprehensive analysis method for the ore loss and dilution is proposed .

  27. 一方面,采矿设备和基础设施的落后增加了矿石的贫化率,浪费了矿产资源。

    Inferior infrastructure and equipment raises the dilution rate of ores , thereby wasting mineral resources .

  28. 矿石的贫化率与损失率较高,是造成资源浪费和制约企业经济效益的突出问题。

    Higher dilution and loss rates will result in waste of resources and restriction of economic benefit .

  29. 非均匀度与矿石损失贫化率关系的实验研究

    Study on the relationship between heterogeneous degree of loose body and the rate of ore dissipation and dilution

  30. 通过对程湖铁矿三个分段生产情况的调查,找出影响程潮铁矿矿石损失贫化指标的因素。

    This paper finds out the factors which affected the mine loss and dilution through investigation to the three subsection in Chengchao iron mine .