
  • 网络standard bank;Standard Bank Plc
  1. 标准银行(standardbank)的分析人士预测:“跌破6000美元的重要心理关口,将使该金属价格明显面临下跌风险。”

    Analysts at Standard Bank predicted : " a breach of the psychologically important $ 6000 will leave the metal significantly exposed on the downside . "

  2. 与此同时,工行还在向拉丁美洲、东欧和非洲扩张。工行是通过它在南非标准银行(StandardBank)的20%股份进入非洲的。

    The ICBC is also expanding into Latin America , eastern Europe and Africa , the latter via its 20 per cent stake in Standard Bank .

  3. 中国国有的中国工商银行最近入股南非标准银行(StandardBank),并一直在探寻俄罗斯和巴西的交易。以资产规模计算,南非标准银行是非洲最大的银行。

    State-controlled ICBC of China recently bought a stake in Standard Bank , Africa 's largest bank by assets and has been probing deals in Russia and Brazil .

  4. 还有一项重要交易发生在金融服务业——中国工商银行(ICBC)以6.9亿美元收购南非标准银行(SouthAfricanStandardBank)60%的股份。

    Lastly but not least , in financial services , ICBC purchased a 60 per cent share of South African Standard Bank for $ 690m .

  5. 此外还有一些证据表明,在这方面存在切实的商业利益——在中国工商银行(ICBC)最近与南非标准银行(StandardBank)的交易中,高盛担任了交易顾问。

    And there is some evidence of tangible commercial benefits - Goldman Sachs advised ICBC on its recent deal with South Africa 's Standard Bank .

  6. 这个过程会相当缓慢,尤其是考虑到人民币不能完全兑换,标准银行(StandardBank)的史蒂夫巴罗(SteveBarrow)说。

    This process will be very slow , especially as the renminbi is not fully convertible , says Steve Barrow at Standard Bank .

  7. 标准银行(StandardBank)分析师梅林达•摩尔(MelindaMoore)表示,按目前价格,大约2亿吨的海运铁矿石无利可图。

    At current prices about 200m tonnes of seaborne iron ore is unprofitable , according to Melinda Moore , an analyst at Standard Bank .

  8. 中国工商银行(icbc)将收购南非标准银行(standardbankgroup)20%股权的消息,或许会再次掀起人们对这类交易的热议。

    The news that industrial and Commercial Bank of China is acquiring 20 per cent of standard bank group of South Africa may for once live up to the hype that surrounds such deals .

  9. 微信还与非洲资产最大的银行——标准银行(StandardBank)合作推出了“电子钱包”服务,该银行由中国工商银行(ICBC)持有部分股权。

    It is also introducing a " digital wallet " service in partnership with Standard Bank , Africa 's largest lender by assets , which is part-owned by China 's ICBC bank .

  10. 其中一个例外是南非的标准银行(StandardBank),该行已扩张至非洲各地,并于近期将20%股权出售给资金雄厚的中国工商银行(ICBC)。

    One exception is South Africa 's Standard Bank , which has expanded across the continent and recently sold a 20 per cent stake to the deep-pocketed Industrial and Commercial Bank of China .

  11. 南非“三大”银行标准银行、第一国民银行(firstnationalbank)和absa,以及其它几家国际银行近几个月一直在寻找潜在收购交易。

    The " big three " banks in South Africa , standard bank , first national bank and ABSA , and several international banks have been scouting in recent months for potential acquisitions .

  12. 标准银行(standardbank)的史蒂夫巴罗(stevebarrow)表示,有必要记住的是,各国央行不会仅仅因为经济出现好转迹象,就开始收紧政策。

    Steve barrow at standard bank said it was important to bear in mind that central banks would not start tightening policy just because the economy was showing signs of improvement .

  13. 中国最大的几宗海外收购是在非洲,包括中国工商银行(ICBC)去年斥资55亿美元,收购南非标准银行(StandardBank)的20.5%股权。

    China 's largest acquisitions abroad have been in Africa , including the $ 5.5bn that Industrial and Commercial Bank of China paid for a 20.5 per cent share in South Africa 's Standard bank last year .

  14. 标准银行(standardbank)驻伦敦贵金属分析师魏文德(walterdewet)表示,新披露的黄金进口数据,表明今年中国黄金需求有望突破600吨,比去年增长近75%。

    Walter de wet , precious metals analyst at standard bank in London , says the freshly revealed import data suggest that Chinese demand could top 600 tonnes , up nearly 75 per cent from last year .

  15. 迄今最大的进展发生在近2年前,当时中国最大银行中国工商银行(ICBC)以55亿美元购得南非标准银行(StandardBank)20%的股权。

    In the biggest development to date just under two years ago , China 's largest bank , the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China , paid $ 5.5bn for a 20 per cent stake in Standard Bank .

  16. 中国是全球最大的海运铁矿石消费国,约占全球需求量的三分之二。然而,标准银行(StandardBank)分析师梅林达•摩尔(MelindaMoore)说,季节性因素也在发挥作用。

    China is the world 's biggest consumer of seaborne iron ore , accounting for about two-thirds of global demand However , Melinda Moore , analyst at Standard Bank , said seasonality was also playing its part .

  17. 标准银行(standardbank)外汇策略师史蒂夫巴罗(stevebarrow)表示:“我们的观点是,一轮持续、严重的全球避险浪潮只可能来自中国,而不是别处。”

    Steve barrow , a currencies strategist at standard bank , says : " it is our view that a sustained and serious bout of global risk aversion is only likely to come from China , not elsewhere . "

  18. 埃里森·楚(EllisonChu),标准银行亚洲有限公司这位标准银行驻香港贵金属部经理预测,基于对黄金的强劲需求,尤其是亚洲的需求,金价将继续保持在1000元每盎司以上。

    Ellison Chu , Standard Bank AsiaThe Hong Kong based manager of precious metals at the bank expects the price of gold to maintain four-figure levels given the strong demand , particularly from Asia .

  19. 两年前向中国工商银行(ICBC)出售了20%股份的南非标准银行表示,这是它第一次在亚洲市场融资。

    Standard Bank , which sold 20 per cent of its equity to Industrial and Commercial Bank of China two years ago , said it was the first time that it had tapped the Asian market .

  20. 标准银行首席执行官杰克马理(jackomaree)将这笔交易誉为“对南非乃至非洲的信心投票”。

    Jacko Maree , standard bank chief executive , hailed the deal as a " vote of confidence in South Africa and Africa " .

  21. 标准银行称初期报告表明,位于智利首都以北的大型铜矿,包括Escondida、Collahuasi和Chuquicamata等均未受到严重影响。

    Early reports indicate that the large copper mines north of the capital , including Escondida , Collahuasi and Chuquicamata , weren 't affected significantly , Standard said .

  22. 标准银行会不会是在标榜阿根廷分行的业绩以便挂牌出售?

    Could Standard Bank be buffing the unit up for a sale ?

  23. 南非标准银行是非洲本土最大的金融机构。

    South Africa-based Standard Bank is the largest financial institution in Africa .

  24. 标准银行正在北京构建一个20多人的团队。

    Standard is establishing a 20-strong team in Beijing .

  25. 此前,标准银行在亚洲管理着约7.5亿美元的私人银行资产。

    Standard Bank had been managing about $ 750m of private banking assets in Asia .

  26. 标准银行称,至少目前智利的出口大部分应该不受影响。

    For now at least , Standard said , exports from Chile may be'largely unaffected . '

  27. 待中国监管机构批准后,工行将成为标准银行最大的股东。

    Pending regulatory approval in China , ICBC will become the biggest shareholder in standard bank .

  28. 接下来我去走访的地方是标准银行,在那里我要求见经理。

    My next visit was to the standard bank , where I asked to see the manager .

  29. 标准银行在撒哈拉沙漠以南的18个非洲国家中有1000家分行,在全球另外21个国家设有分支机构。

    Standard has 1000 branches in 18 sub-Saharan African countries and a presence in a further 21 nations worldwide .

  30. 标准银行在非洲赚的钱已经开始增加了,因为它进行的是单纯的银行业务,即贷款和外汇业务。

    Standard Bank is making more money in Africa because it is simple banking – lending and foreign exchange .