
  • 网络logotype
  1. 不要产生图形效果,降低商标标准字的可行性。

    Do not reproduce with graphic effects that reduce the viability of the logotype .

  2. 起亚象征标志与商标标准字以及明亮的红墙凸显出起亚品牌。

    The Kia symbol mark and logotype and the bright red wall highlights the Kia brand .

  3. 不要在深色背景下勾画商标标准字。

    Do not outline the logotype on a dark background .

  4. 只有起亚的标志、商标符号、商标标准字和经销商名称标志才能放在建筑物的主要正面。

    Only the Kia signature , brand mark , logotype and the dealer name signs can be placed on the primary elevation of the building .

  5. 基本要素系统主要包括:企业名称、企业标志、标准字、标准色、象征图案、宣传口语、市场行销报告书等。

    The basic elements of the system include : business name , corporate logo , the word standard , standard color , a symbol of design , oral advocacy , marketing and so on the report .

  6. 起亚公司标识定义了起亚的公司标识的核心内容,包括象征标志、商标标准字、识别标志、品牌口号、指定色彩调色板和字样,它们的使用是有系统的。

    Kia corporate identity defines the core elements of the Kia corporate identity ci , which includes the symbol mark , logotype , signature , brand slogan , designated color palette and typeface , all utilized in a systematic manner .

  7. 以标准黑体字为例,说明了设计过程与放样步骤。

    An example of standard style showed the designing processes and staking-out programs .

  8. 研究双刀架数控车削仿真系统中的NC代码反读技术,对标准数控代码字进行识别,分类成运算字、设置字和加工字,生成加工轨迹数据作为加工过程系统仿真的输入信息。

    Reverse reading technology of NC codes used in lathing simulation with twin-turret is discussed , with the presentation of compiling NC codes to operating word , setting word , machining word , which are the input of system simulation of NC turning .

  9. 标识必须表明生产厂家所在国家的名称,可为全称也可以是根据相关ISO标准确定的二字代码。

    The mark must indicate the name of the country in which the establishment is located , which may be written out in full or shown as a two-letter code in accordance with the relevant ISO standard .

  10. 因此,也没有任何标准库类型的字面值。

    Hence , there are no literals of any of the library types .

  11. 本文试图以现代常用汉字为研究对象,采用科学的判断标准,运用构字法理论分析现代汉字的表音表义功能,从而量化得出现代汉字的性质。

    The paper aims to study commonly-used modern Chinese characters , adopts a scientific criterion , and applies the theory of constructism to analyze their semantic and phonetic function to quantify the nature .