
  • 网络standard sand;ISO
  1. 中国ISO标准砂厂的创新设计

    The innovational designs for China ISO standard sand plant

  2. 代用ISO标准砂材质和颗粒形状对水泥胶砂强度的影响

    Study on the quality and particle shape of the substituted ISO standard sand on the cement mortar strength

  3. ISO标准砂强度试验分析

    Analysis on ISO Standardized Grit Intensity Experiments

  4. 研究结果表明,代用ISO标准砂的材质和颗粒形状不同,使相同水灰比和胶砂比的水泥胶砂的用水量和强度表现各异。

    The research sults reveal that the water demand and the strength at the same water / cement ratio and cement / sand ratio differ with the quality and particle shape of the substituted ISO standard sand .

  5. 随着代用ISO标准砂中圆球状曲面体含量的增多,胶砂用水量减小,流动度增大,和易性变好,但强度却呈下降趋势。

    With the increase in the content of round and curved sand in the substituted ISO standard sand , the water demand decreases and thus the flowability and workability im-proves , while the strength tends to drop down .

  6. 本文通过对ISO标准砂试验中的一些关键因素进行研究,根据有关实验和数据探讨标准砂净重对强度试验的相关影响。

    Through the research on some key factors in ISO standardized grit experiments , the paper probes into the related effect of the intensity experiments on the net weight of standardized grit on the basis of relevant tests and figures .

  7. 基于摩尔库伦模型和剑桥模型的研究,初步建立了模拟月壤的本构模型,结合模拟月壤、福建中级砂和ISO标准砂的静力三轴试验成果,对该本构模型进行验证。

    Owing to the study of Mohr-colomb model and Cam-clay model , constitutive model of lunar soil simulant is initially established . With triaxial test results , it is proved that this model can accurately simulate its stress-strain relations . 3 .

  8. 采用525普通硅酸盐水泥、硅灰、超细粉煤灰、高效减水剂和标准砂等原材料及湿热养护工艺,可配制出抗压强度达200MPa的活性粉末混凝土。

    Based on the traditional technology and heat curing treatment , the reactive powder concrete ( RPC ), which has compressive strength of 200 MPa , was prepared with the raw materials of ordinary Portland cement , ultra pulverized fly ash , silica fume , superplasticizer and standard sand .

  9. 标准砂小应变特性的应力路径三轴试验研究

    Small-strain behaviour of standard sand by stress path controlled triaxial tests

  10. 标准砂在磨料粒度组成检测中的作用分析

    Functions of standard sands in determination of grain size distribution of abrasives

  11. 新旧标准砂粉煤灰需水量比对比试验

    The Comparing Experiment on Fly Ash Water-proportion with ISO and Old Standard Sand

  12. 水泥强度试验用标准砂

    Standard sand for testing strength of hydraulic cement mortars

  13. 标准砂液化试验的几个问题

    Some Problems on Liquefaction Tests of Standard Sand

  14. 偏压固结下饱和标准砂孔压增量分析

    Analysis for pore water pressure increment of saturated standard sand under deviatoric stress consolidation

  15. 掺入钢纤维和使用标准砂都有助于提高材料的抗渗性。

    Steel fiber and ISO standard sands can also decrease the permeability of RPCs .

  16. 通过严格的工艺控制,研制出了具有良好质量特性的标准砂。

    Standard Sands with excellent quality characteristics were fabricated by controlling technological conditions strictly .

  17. 标准砂箱的铸造工艺设计与制造

    Designing and Manufacture of Typical Flask

  18. 本文通过对标准砂校正方法的分析,确定了标准砂的质量控制要求;

    The quality requests of Standard Sands were described according to the calibrating method of Standard Sands .

  19. 根据试验结果,确定了标准砂的临界状态线及临界状态参数。

    Then , the critical state lines are provided based on the test results of different stress paths .

  20. 标准砂是磨料粒度组成检测的标准物质。

    " Standard Sands " is the standard samples for determination of grain size distribution of abrasive macrogrits .

  21. 在相同初始相对密实度情况下探讨了粉煤灰与福建标准砂稳态性状的区别。

    The diference of steady state between flyash and Fujian standard sand under same initial relative density was compared .

  22. 对标准砂进行的一维有压水流入渗试验和计算表明,孔隙气的排出过程影响孔隙水的渗流运动。

    The experiments on the water infiltration in dry sands in one dimensional channel show the influence of pore gas flowing on the water infiltration process .

  23. 控制配制灰的初始装样密实度为20%;控制福建标准砂的初始装样密实度为20%、30%。

    The initial relative density of the samples for Fujian standard sand was 20 % and 30 % , and for confected flyash was 20 % .

  24. 针对福建标准砂,在均等固结条件下着重研究了振动过程中主应力方向的不同变化模式对饱和松砂不排水循环特性的影响。

    The effect of variation of principle stress orientation under cyclic loading on undrained cyclic shear behavior of Fujian Standard loose sand under isotropic consolidation condition is investigated .

  25. 硅酸钠水玻璃在液相中的比例约为70%,且标准砂占固相的比例为70%左右时,可制得力学性能良好的矿物聚合材料。

    High performance mineral polymer can be prepared while the content of sodium silicate in the alkaline liquid and the standard sand in the solid materials are both kept around 70 % .

  26. 试验证明在基于建议的本构关系计算的孔隙水压力值与相应的振动能量下,福建标准砂试样中产生的孔隙水压力很接近。

    It has been demonstrated that the calculative values of pore water pressure with proposed constitutive relationship are very near the pore water pressures generated in Fujian standard sand samples under corresponding vibrational energy .

  27. 在DRS-1型微机高压直残剪试验系统上进行了建筑砂、标准砂、粉砂和粘土与混凝土界面、金属光滑界面、金属粗糙界面的正交直接剪切试验。

    The orthogonal direct shearing experiment between building sand , standard sand , silt , clay and concrete interface , smooth metal interface , rough metal interface was conducted with a DSR-1 high-pressure shearing system .

  28. 通过对饱和福建标准砂动三轴液化试验现象的系统分析,提出了一个偏压固结下孔压增量计算公式。

    A new incremental formula for evaluating the pore pressure of the saturated sand under the deviatoric stress consolidation is presented by analyzing the dynamic triaxial tests of the Fujian standard sand . 1 formula .

  29. 用机械式及液压式振动三轴仪进行标准砂的液化试验,以比较仪器型式对动强度的影响;还比较了试样尺寸的影响。

    Using mechanical dynamic triaxial test apparatus and electro-hydraulic dynamic triaxial test apparatus , liquefaction tests of a saturated standard sand were conducted in order to compare the effects of apparatus type , and sample size on dynamic strength .

  30. 通过引入考虑不同初始偏应力比和不同初始主应力方向角影响的参数,初步建立了福建标准砂复杂应力条件下的孔压&能量模式。

    The parameters on the initial deviatoric stress ratio and the orientation of initial maximum principal stress are introduced to the results , an energy model of pore water pressure development for Fujian loose standard sand under complex stress condition is elementarily established .