
  • 网络marker-assisted selection;marker assisted selection;mas
  1. 实现从数量性状基因座作图到标记辅助选择的转变包括:(1)寻找与QTL紧密连锁的标记(被标记的QTL称MQTL);

    Making the transition from QTL mapping to MAS will involve : ( 1 ) Finding markers associated with QTL ( the marked QTL will be called MQTL );

  2. 表型轮回选择和分子标记辅助选择累加陆地棉产量优势相关基因

    Phenotypic Recurrent Selection and MAS for Pooling High Yield Genes Related with Heterosis in Upland Cotton

  3. 利用特异PCR引物进行分子标记辅助选择的研究

    Study on Molecular Marker Assisted Selection with Special PCR Primers

  4. DNA分子标记辅助选择可避免环境条件的干扰,直接对胚乳突变基因型进行选择,提高育种效率。

    DNA molecular marker assisted-selection is a useful tool to obviate interference of environments and select genotype directly .

  5. 谷类作物半粒种子的PCR分析及其在标记辅助选择育种中的应用

    PCR Analysis of Half - seeds of Cereal Crops and Its Application in Marker-assisted Selection and Breeding

  6. 水稻叶蝉抗性基因回交转育和CAPS标记辅助选择

    Green Rice Leafhopper Resistance Gene Transferring Through Backcrossing and CAPS Marker Assisted Selection

  7. 标记辅助选择育种中QTL基因型的多点联合推断

    Multi-point Joint Inference of QTL Genotype in Marker-assisted Selection

  8. 标记辅助选择(MAS)及其影响因素

    Marker Assisted Selection and its Affecting Factors

  9. 棉花纤维长度主效QTLs的分子标记辅助选择及聚合效果研究

    Molecular Marker-assisted Selection and Pyramiding Breeding of Major QTLs for Cotton Fiber Length

  10. 水、旱稻抗旱相关性状QTL的分子标记辅助选择研究

    Molecular Marker-assisted Selection for QTLs Associated with Traits for Drought Resistance in Lowland and Upland Rice

  11. 棉花高强纤维主效QTL的遗传稳定性及它的分子标记辅助选择效果

    Genetic Stability of A Major QTL for Fiber Strength and its Marker-assisted Selection in Upland Cotton

  12. 分子标记辅助选择(Marker-AssistedSelection,MAS)为在植物抗病育种中目标性状的选择提供了一条快速有效的途径。

    The development of MAS ( Marker-Assisted Selection ) provides a rapid and effective method for the plant disease-resistance breeding .

  13. 通过标记辅助选择,构建了一个同时控制多个性状主效QTLs位点的近等基因系。

    NILs of the locus controlling major QTLs for traits were developed by marker-assisted selection .

  14. 基于复杂上位性及其与环境互作效应QTLs的标记辅助选择方法研究

    Study on Methods for Marker-Assisted Selection Based on QTLs with Complicated Epistasis and Their Environmental Interactions

  15. 因此利用FSHβ基因进行标记辅助选择来提高绵羊产羔数是有一定根据的。

    Therefore , improving litter size of sheep was reasonable using marker assisted selection of FSH β gene .

  16. 水稻几个重要性状的QTL定位及抗白叶枯病基因分子标记辅助选择

    QTL Mapping for Some Important Traits in Rice and Resistance Bacterial Blight Disease Gene by the Marker Assisted Selection

  17. 本论文利用现代分子生物学技术,对五种大豆低聚糖进行了QTL定位,通过分子标记辅助选择,加快大豆低聚糖专用加工品种选育进程。

    The five types of soy oligosaccharides were mapped on QTL in this paper by modern molecular biology technology .

  18. 本文主要介绍真核生物几类重要DNA重复序列的特点和用途,并对其在物种起源和进化、染色体分子指纹图谱绘制、分子标记辅助选择及染色体操作中的应用作了分析与介绍。

    The classification , features and functional of several types of repetitive DNA were discussed in this review . Application of repetitive DNA sequences in study of evolution , chromosome and were also illustrated .

  19. 多表型性状的数量性状分析,为重要的农艺性状标记辅助选择(MAS)提供基础。

    The QTL analysis of multiple phenotypic traits provides the basis for marker assisted selection ( MAS ) of important agronomic characters .

  20. 通过标记辅助选择进行不同QTL的重组,有望在增加粒重的同时改善籽粒品质。

    Improvement for grain weight as well as grain quality would be practical by recombination of different QTLs using marker-assisted selection .

  21. 利用wx基因分子标记辅助选择培育糯性小麦

    Application of Molecular Markers-assisted Selection of wx Genes in Breeding the waxy Wheat

  22. 本研究通过复合杂交结合分子标记辅助选择(MAS)培育出新型的籼稻基因渗入热带粳稻品系。

    In this study , new type of indica-introgressed tropical japonica lines by multiple crosses with marker-assisted selection ( MAS ) was developed .

  23. 本研究定位的不结球白菜Vc性状的QTL是首次报道,这将为不结球白菜Vc性状分子标记辅助选择育种奠定基础。

    This QTL in non-heading Chinese cabbage were first report , This result is fundamentals for molecular assisted selection of quality-related traits in non-heading Chinese cabbage breeding .

  24. 分子标记辅助选择(MAS)因其对目标基因的快速准确选择为回交育种提供有效工具。

    Molecular marker-assisted selection ( MAS ) can provide a rapid , accurate , and efficient tool for selecting target genes in back-cross breeding .

  25. 这些定位到的QTL将为不结球白菜产量等性状的分子标记辅助选择提供理论基础。

    These mapped QTL could be used to marker assisted selection programme for the yield trait in non-heading Chinese cabbage in the future .

  26. 数量性状基因座位(QTL)的精细定位是实施QTL克隆及标记辅助选择(MAS)的重要基础。

    The fine mapping of quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) is the important basis for QTL cloning and marker-assisted selection ( MAS ) .

  27. 不结球白菜遗传图谱的构建及重要农艺性状的QTL定位将为其遗传育种及分子标记辅助选择提供有益的参考。

    Construction of genetic map and QTL mapping will provide an available reference to genetic breeding and molecular marker assisted selection in non-heading Chinese cabbage .

  28. 在以PCR为基础的种子纯度鉴定和分子标记辅助选择育种中,DNA模板的制备常常成为主要的限速步骤,建立一种快速简便的微量DNA模板制备方法有着十分重要的意义。

    It is time consume to preparing DNA template for PCR based seed purity test and molecular marker assisted selection in plant breeding . The establishment of a simple method to facilitate DNA template preparation is very important .

  29. 以分子标记辅助选择为核心的多基因聚合育种技术能直接在DNA水平上对产奶性状的基因型进行选择,克服了传统育种方法准确性低的问题,可显著加快遗传进展,提高育种效率。

    Multigene pyramiding breeding technology centering on molecular marker-assisted selection could select genotypes of milk production traits in DNA level . It overcomes the disadvantage of low accuracy of conventional breeding technology , accelerates genetic progress and improves breeding efficiency .

  30. 优质蛋白玉米标记辅助选择技术体系的建立CNS脱髓鞘疾病生物标记物的蛋白质组学研究

    Establishment of SSR Primer-Based Marker Assisted Selection Procedure in QPM Breeding Efforts ; Proteome Analysis of Biomarkers in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Central Nervous System Demyelinative Diseases