- 网络dominant marker

A new method using dominant markers was developed to identify different families from mixed population , which offered a convenient way to breed pure lines .
However , at the PPx-Dl locus , this marker amplified a 265 bp band in materials with the Wx-Dl subunit , and lost a 204 bp band in varieties null Wx-Dl subunit , indicating that it is a dominant marker at Wx-Dl locus .
SSR is a co-dominant marker , with many advantages such as good repeatability , high reliability , abundant polymorphism , and so on . It acts important role in maize genetic breeding .
By using BSA method , two codominant PCR markers were identified through the tolerant ( susceptible ) salt cultivars bulks and the tolerant ( susceptible ) salt bulks of a F 2 population .
On the other hand , there were still 9 linkage groups that can not be found ESTP homologous markers in the linkage map . Therefore develop more co-dominant markers is the further direction of the genetic map .
Three Co-dominant Markers Linked to M Gene in Cucumis sativus
Therefore , Co-dominant markers can be more efficiency than dominant markers for the detection of recessive genes .
The objective of these comparisons is to provide a foundation for construction a unified platform of dominant marker both experimental and statistical method for population genetic analysis .
The implicit disagreement expressions , whose judgment as disagreement need depend on the context , can be sub-divided into declaratives , questions and imperatives based on the sentence structure .
The results showed that 87.5 % ( 35 markers ) of the total number of markers obtained the clear bands , which 31 markers were co-dominant and 4 markers were dominant .
According to the different sequences between B. rapa and B. oleracea , Two codominant markers , which showed stable polymorphism in forty nine B. rapa and eight B. oleracea materials were developed .
Construction of Genetic Linkage Map in Forest Tree Using Dominant Molecular Markers and F_1 Pedigree
Detection and Application of Co dominant RAPD Markers
Rapid Survey for Presence of a Blast Resistance Gene Pi-ta in Rice Cultivars Using the Dominant DNA Markers Derived from Portions of the Pi-ta Gene
The SSRs are multiallelic codominant genetic markers .
A statistical method was described for interval mapping of quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) using codominant flanking molecular markers such as RFLPs .
Transformation of Pyricularia oryzae with a Dominant Selectable Marker
A dominant molecular marker regression model is established , and molecular marker materials expressed in the form of orthogonal table are studied .
A genetic linkage map containing 146 SSR markers was constructed , which spanned a total of 2055.9 cM with an average interval of 14.08 cM .
One hundred eighty-three pairs SSR markers were selected to construct a genetic linkage map of popcorn with the genetic distance of 1762.2 cM ( centimorgan ) and on an average of 9.63 cM using Mapmaker 3.0 .
Automatic segmentation is a key step in the Chinese lexical analysis , because Chinese sentences are composed with the string of characters without spaces to mark word boundaries .
Obtaining of SCAR Markers of Two Dominant Genes for Opposite Leaves and Fruits Trait of Zea Mays
In recent time , the advanced molecular genetic technique , microsatellite DNA marker , was commonly applied for entomological researches . This technique could provide the high-rating performances of polymorphism , reproducibility and codominance for entomological researches .
Backward Extraction of Rapeseed Protein through Reverse Micelle System Assisted by Sonication EST-Aided Conversion of AFLP Marker Linked to Dominant Male Sterility Gene in Brassica napus into SCAR
When you expose an object tree as a CherryPy URL space , the assumption goes the other way : Unless you explicitly label a method as exposed , it isn 't served to outside users .
The results identified by four co-dominant and two dominant STS markers for Wx genes were all identical to those detected by SDS-PAGE method .