
xiǎn xìnɡ yí chuán
  • dominant inheritance
  1. 一个可能为X染色体显性遗传的单一镫骨畸形家系的临床研究

    Clinical study of a single congenital stapes malformation with possible X-linked dominant inheritance

  2. 结论原发性高血压是由DNA损伤引起的人类表型缺陷,该病症符合常染色体显性遗传,具延迟外显性。

    Conclusion : The essential hypertension is the human phenotype blemish caused by injured DNA . It is compatible with an autosomal dominant inheritance and its performance is delayed .

  3. 常染色体显性遗传视神经萎缩的线粒体DNA含量减少

    Mitochondrial DNA content is decreased in autosomal dominant optic atrophy

  4. 目的:探讨单相抑郁症X连锁显性遗传方式的可能性。

    Objective : To investigate the possibility of X-linked dominant genetic model in unipolar depression .

  5. X连锁显性遗传性肾炎一家系相关基因排除定位分析

    A Exclusive Mapping Analysis on the Gene Associated with X-linked Dominant Inherited Nephritis in One Pedigree

  6. 对308个三联体的家系调查表明这两个基因座符合X染色体共显性遗传,未发现突变。

    Investigation in 308 family trios suggested a co - dominant X - linked inheritance and mutations were not found .

  7. 人群中,大部分遗传性白内障是外显率较高的常染色体显性遗传,但也有X连锁和常染色体隐性遗传存在。

    It is usually inherited as an autosomal dominant trait , although autosomal recessive and X-linked inheritance are seen less commonly .

  8. 分析结果表明:ESR基因以加性-显性遗传方式影响产仔数。

    The results indicated that ESR gene affects litter size in an additive-dominant genetic model .

  9. 家系调查结果表明,10个STR基因座在世代传递中遵循孟德尔常染色体共显性遗传规律。

    The 10 STR loci follow the Mendel 's law .

  10. 目的:对一个常染色体显性遗传扩张型心肌病(familialdilatedcardiomyopathy,FDCM)家系进行基因定位。

    Objective To localize the gene of autosomal dominant familial dilated cardiomyopathy with conduction defect .

  11. 晶体蛋白βA1基因缺失突变导致常染色体显性遗传核性先天性白内障

    Autosomal dominant congenital nuclear cataract caused by a deletion mutation in the β A1-crystallin gene

  12. 晶状体蛋白βB1基因错义突变引起常染色体显性遗传性白内障

    Missense mutation in the β B1-crystallin gene caused autosomal dominant congenital cataract in China

  13. 海岛棉清除剂SOD、POD活性性状是由多效基因控制的不完全显性遗传性状。

    The characteristic about Ensure system of zyme SOD , POD activity changing were dominant heredity incompletely and controlled by many gene .

  14. 结节性硬化综合症(TuberousSclerosisComplex,TSC),是一种以全身多器官错构瘤病变为特征的常染色体显性遗传性疾病。

    Tuberous sclerosis complex ( TSC ) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by hamartomas in the affected organs .

  15. CT显示肝实质多个较大包囊,与显性遗传性多囊肾病人的肝脏病变相一致。

    This transverse CT scan of the liver demonstrates multiple large cysts in the parenchyma , consistent with polycystic change in the liver of a patient with dominant polycystic kidney disease .

  16. 先天性垂体性侏儒症的遗传方式有常染色体显性遗传,常染色体隐性遗传和X染色体遗传,其中常染色体隐性遗传是最常见的一种,目前已发现该疾病的致病基因有17个。

    Inherited Pituitary Dwarfism can be inherited in autosomal dominant , autosomal recessive , or X-linked patterns . However , autosomal recessive is the most common form of it .

  17. 结论单相抑郁症的遗传方式为多基因遗传方式,并提示单相抑郁症可能与X连锁显性遗传方式有关。

    Conclusions The findings of this study suggest that the mode of inheritance of monopolar depression was in conformity to multifactorial inheritance and may be X-linked dominant multifactorial inheritance .

  18. 目的研究我国一个4代常染色体显性遗传视网膜色素变性(RP)家系患者的致病基因突变位点及临床表型特征。

    Objective To identify mutations in a four-generation Chinese family with retinitis pigmentosa and to investigate its clinical phenotype .

  19. 遗传性皮肤病和非综合征型神经性耳聋(nonsyndromichearingimpairment,NSHI)是两大类比较重要的常染色体显性遗传病。

    Inherited skin disease and nonsyndromic hearing impairment are two important autosomal dominant diseases .

  20. 结论该家系中的患者们有着单一的先天性镫骨畸形伴固定的特征,家系分析显示为可能X染色体显性遗传。

    Conclusion : Patients with characteristics of congenital non-syndrome stapes fixation were identified in one large Chinese family . Pedigree analysis suggested a possible X-linked dominant inheritance in this pedigree .

  21. 显性遗传先天性静止性夜盲全视野明视ERG的分析

    Analysis of Full-Field Photopic Electroretinograms in Patients with Autosomal Dominant Congenital Stationary Night Blindness

  22. 结果在20例常染色体显性遗传HSP家系的先证者和10例散发性HSP患者中均未发现异常SSCP条带,第7号外显子直接DNA序列分析亦无异常。

    Results No abnormal SSCP bands were found in the 30 individuals and the results of DNA direct sequencing were also normal .

  23. 遗传性血管性水肿是由C1酯酶抑制剂基因突变所致的一种罕见的常染色体显性遗传性疾病。

    Hereditary angioedema is a rare autosomal dominant genodermatosis caused by C1 inhibitor ( C1 INH ) gene mutations .

  24. 简单重复序列(SimpleSequenceRepeat,SSR)技术以其丰富的多态性、共显性遗传、重复性好和操作简单等优点正广泛用于植物种质资源及育种的研究。

    As a highly polymorphic , codominant , well-repeated and convenient molecular marker technique , simple sequence repeat ( SSR ) was used more and more widely in plant genetics and breeding .

  25. 通常认为EV是一种常染色体隐性遗传病,但是也有常染色体显性遗传及x连锁隐形遗传等多种遗传方式的报道,揭示了其遗传异质性。

    It is universally recognized that the mode of EV transmission may likely be autosomal recessive , but autosomal dominant and X-linked recessive inheritance have also been reported .

  26. 在过去几年中,人们己经开始将RNA干涉技术用于临床治疗的实验研究,例如病毒感染性疾病、肿瘤和其他一些显性遗传性疾病。

    In the past several years , people have tried to take advantage of RNAi to treat diseases such as virus infectious diseases , malignant diseases and some genetic diseases .

  27. 结论:证实EXT为常染色体显性遗传病,本组外显率为97%。

    Conclusion : EXT is an autosomal dominant disorder and the penetrance is 97 % in this report .

  28. 播散性浅表性光线性汗孔角化症(Disseminatedsuperficialactinicporokeratosis,DSAP)是一种少见的慢性角化性皮肤病,呈常染色体显性遗传。

    Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis ( DSAP ) is an uncommon autosomal dominant chronic keratinization disorder .

  29. 结论单纯性先天小角膜是由DNA损伤引起的人类表型缺陷,该病症符合常染色体显性遗传,具有一定的外显率和表现度,且表现度与性别有关。

    Conclusion : The simple congenital microcornea is the human phenotype blemish caused by injured DNA . It is compatible with an autosomal dominant inheritance , and has a certain extent of the penetrance and the expressivity .

  30. 大约25%的先天性白内障与遗传缺陷有关。遗传性先天性白内障有三种不同的遗传方式:常染色体显性遗传(AD)、常染色体隐性遗传(AR)和X连锁隐性遗传(XR)。

    Approximately 25 % of all cases are probably due to genetic defects , the majority of these inherited non-syndromic cataracts show autosomal dominant inheritance ( AD );