
  1. 使用DirectX技术实现对显卡内存的直接操作,避免了绘图中的闪烁;

    The system uses DirectX technology to direct operate VGA memory and avoid the wink in drawing .

  2. 通常,framebuffer设备都会让您直接访问显卡内存。

    Normally , framebuffer devices give you direct access to the video card 's memory .

  3. 然而还有许多其他方面,比如实际像素大小和显卡借用内存大小,这些都会影响手机摄像头的质量。

    However , there are many other aspects , such as actual pixel size and aperture size , that affect the quality of a phone 's camera .

  4. 电脑还随机带有可以夹在近(远)视眼镜上的3D眼镜。宏碁Aspire能配备英特尔酷睿2双核处理器、独立显卡、4G内存和320G硬盘。

    A clip-on piece for prescription glasses also comes with the laptop . The Acer Aspire can be loaded with an Intel Core 2 Duo processor , discrete graphics , 4 gigabytes of memory and a 320-gigabyte hard drive .