
  • 网络Benchmarking;benchmarking management;bench marking;benchmark;benchmark management
  1. 标杆管理中大小标杆量化分析

    Analysis on quantification of big and small mark-post in Benchmarking

  2. 兰州供电公司标杆管理问题研究

    Study on Benchmarking Issues of Lanzhou Power Supply Company

  3. ,或是商业顾问们引入到自己母语中的benchmarking(标杆管理法)等词汇。

    Or business consultants importing words like benchmarking into their own languages .

  4. 因为我们羞于抄袭,所以给它取了很炫的名字,比如最佳实践和标杆管理(benchmarking)。

    As we are ashamed of copying , we give it fancy names like best practice and benchmarking .

  5. 基于BSC的企业标杆管理模型设计&以家电行业为例

    Design of Enterprise Benchmarking Management Model Based on BSC Method & Taking Household Appliances Enterprise as The Example

  6. 建立先进的考核指标和科学的财务管理方法,如EVA管理、标杆管理、平衡计分卡管理、价值链分析;

    Setting up advanced index and corporate financial management procedure , for example EVA management , Benchmarking , Balance Score Card , Value chain analysis and so on ;

  7. 针对我国RD质量和RD项目质量管理的现状,对质量管理体系的建立进行了有益的尝试,提出了基础研究类RD项目的标杆管理理论以及提高RD项目质量的基本对策。

    Aiming at the present situation of the RD project quality in China , benchmarking is proposed for basic research project and the countermeasures of improving RD project quality are expounded .

  8. 通过前导指标、现状指标和HSE危害指标的设置对HSE问题给予主动的标杆管理,有别于传统的被动的安全绩效评价方法。

    The approach can also initiatively measure the performances of HSE management by setting the leading , current and injury indicators , and it is different from traditional passive techniques of measuring safety-management performances .

  9. 标杆管理量化实施策略以物流企业作为标杆管理的实施对象,在分析常规Benchmarking实施的方法与步骤的基础上,阐述了针对我国目前物流企业标杆管理的基本思路。

    Quantification Implementing Strategy of Benchmarking . Taking logistics enterprise as Benchmarking implementing object , it is expatiated on basic idea for present our country logistics enterprise Benchmarking , based on analyzing general Benchmarking implementation method and step .

  10. 标杆管理理论在我国高等学校管理工作中运用的研究

    Application of Benchmarking Management Theory in Higher Education Management Works Research

  11. 更进一步,基于标杆管理,构建了代建项目管理绩效评价模型。

    Based on benchmarking , management performance appraisal model is established .

  12. 第四部分主要阐述基于标杆管理的绩效评价标准;

    The next part describes performance evaluation standards base on benchmarking .

  13. 循环经济发展策略:基于标杆管理理论的分析

    The Development Strategy of Circle Economic Based on Benchmarking Management Theory

  14. 综合性医院临床工程学科标杆管理的研究

    The research of benchmarking in clinical engineering department of comprehensive hospitals

  15. 基于标杆管理的海南远景经济指标预测

    The Future Economy Index Forecasting of Hainan Province Based on Benchmarking

  16. 中国石油枣庄销售分公司标杆管理研究

    Study on Management Benchmarking in Zaozhuang Sales Filiale of CNPC

  17. 标杆管理:提高学校管理绩效的有效策略

    Benchmarking Management : Effective Strategies to Enhance the Management Performance of School

  18. 公共部门绩效评价的标杆管理与数据包络分析

    Performance Evaluation of Public Administrative Departments by Means of Benchmarking and DEA

  19. 军队医院实施标杆管理探讨

    Discussion on Implementation of Management by Example in Military Hospital

  20. 地质灾害群测群防十有县建设再标杆管理机制设计

    Mass Monitoring and Preventing Geological Disasters and Designing Re-benchmarking Mechanism

  21. 基于标杆管理的钢铁企业成本管理研究

    Study on Cost Management in Iron and Steel Enterprise Based on Benchmarking

  22. 标杆管理法在项目管理团队建设中的应用探讨

    How to use benchmarking method in PM team establishment

  23. 借鉴标杆管理模式,规范医疗器械市场

    Using Benchmarking to Standardize the Market of Medical Apparatus

  24. 我国高校图书馆标杆管理实施问题及对策研究

    Studies on the Practical Problems and Strategies of Benchmarking in Chinese University Library

  25. 本文介绍了标杆管理的内容及标杆管理在企业中应用的具体过程。

    This article introduces the content and the process of benchmarking in enterprises .

  26. 超越人类中心论标杆管理的局限性

    Transcending Mind and Nature The Limits of Benchmarking

  27. 标杆管理及其在绩效评估中的应用

    Benchmarking and Its Application in the Performance Appraisal

  28. 基于标杆管理的高校科研团队评价研究

    Research on the Evaluation of Scientific Research Team in Universities Based on the Benchmark

  29. 深圳地铁集团战略标杆管理的探索与实践

    Practice of Strategy-Benchmarking Management in Shenzhen Metro Group

  30. 标杆管理在企业节能中的应用

    The application of benchmark in energy-saving at enterprise