
  • 网络LOGO;Logo design;design
  1. 我们致力于企业形象策划、VI视觉导入、标志设计、画册设计、产品包装设计、广告设计、企业形象网站设计等服务。

    We are committed to corporate image planning , VI vision , logo design , pictorial design , packaging design , advertising design , corporate image website design services , etc.

  2. 通过系统的总结和归纳,加上对大量实例的比较和分析,总结出最适合企业发展的VI标志设计思路。

    Based on systematic summary , together with a large number of comparison and analysis on cases , the design ideas most suitable for enterprise to develop VI logo are summed up .

  3. 主要影响因素为色彩,此风格设计注重的方面为布局,标志设计和图片的设计;风格B的网站风格偏向国际、前卫、创意、专业、精致、华丽、活泼。

    The main factor is the color , and the design of the style focuses on the layout design , logo design and graphics design ; The style of the second one is closing to international , avant-garde , creative , professional , elegant , gorgeous and lively .

  4. 城市CIS及基本理念分析:借鉴企业CIS战略对城市CIS战略的理念进行分析,构建城市CIS,并结合城市文化、城市形象塑造、城市标志设计进行扩张性分析;

    Basic principle of city CIS analysis : building city CIS and discussing the principles of city CIS strategy referred from enterprise CIS strategy . At the same time , analyzing the basic principles extensively integrated with the of city culture and city image-shaping ;

  5. 依据企业(组织)形象识别或交流识别系统(CIS)设计原则,从品牌名称设计、品牌标志设计、品牌包装设计等几方面,探讨了中国男子篮球甲A联赛的品牌表现设计方法。

    According to the design principles of image identification or communication identification systems ( CIS ) for enterprises ( organizations ), the brand design method for CBA is being discussed in this essay in the aspects of brand appellation design , brand mark design and brand package design .

  6. 汉字造字法在标志设计中的信息传递

    The Information Transformation of Coining Chinese Characters in the Mark Designing

  7. 论标志设计意象的妙合

    Discussion on the Artful Combination of the Image of Symbol Design

  8. 从《中国印·舞动的北京》看传统图形对标志设计的影响

    Effect of Traditional Patterns on Logo Design from Chinese Seal-Dancing Beijing

  9. 论标志设计的创意与视觉语言的生成

    On the Creation of Sign Design and the Generation of Visual-language

  10. 标志设计与品牌形象

    The Design of Identification Mark and the Image of Brand Mark

  11. 2002中国之星全国包装及标志设计大奖金手指奖揭晓

    2002 " Stars of China " & Golden Finger Prize announced

  12. 火灾事故照明和疏散指示标志设计中的两个问题

    Two Problems in Design of Lighting and Dispersal indicator in fire emergency

  13. 谈龙图腾符号的在标志设计中的运用

    Discusses the Dragon Totem Mark in the Symbol Design Utilization

  14. 标志设计中民族民间元素的运用

    Application of the Elements of Folk Customs to the Modern Logo Design

  15. 现代标志设计与原始符号情结

    The Complex of Modern Symbol Designing and the Original Signs

  16. 指路标志设计设置研究

    Research of design and location of road traffic guide signs

  17. 标志设计爱:献给所有的东西标识一个网站。

    Logo Design Love : a website dedicated to all things logo .

  18. 解析汉字的独特性在标志设计中的应用

    Analysis of the Application of Uniqueness of Chinese Character in Logo Design

  19. 汉字构形及其在现代标志设计中的运用

    The Configuration of Chinese Character and its Usage in Modern Logo Design

  20. 从传统实物标符的发展看现代标志设计

    Observation of Modern Logo Design from the Development of Traditional Object Symbol

  21. 浅论后现代语境下标志设计的表现与创意

    Study the Performance and Creativity of Logo Design in the Postmodern Context

  22. 论标志设计中汉字的艺术特征

    DISCUSSION OF THE DESIGN OF CHINESE CHARACTERS Chinese characters in signs design

  23. 论汉字在现代标志设计中的艺术魅力

    The artistic charm of Chinese characters in modern sign design

  24. 城市环线交通标志设计探讨

    Study on Design of Traffic Signs for City Belt Highways

  25. 浅谈我国传统图形艺术与现代标志设计

    On Chinese Traditional Shape Art and the Modern symbol Design

  26. 订购一标志设计既快速又简单。

    Ordering a logo design is quick and easy .

  27. 现代中国标志设计中的民俗观念

    Folk Custom Concept of Modern Logo Design in China

  28. 论标志设计的民族风格

    An Approach to the National Style of Logo Design

  29. 城市道路交通标志设计新方法

    The New Method of Traffic Sign Design in Street

  30. 对图书馆标志设计的构想

    Thoughts on designs of the emblem of a library