
biāo shì
  • indicate;Marking;labeling;mark
  • show;indication
标示 [biāo shì]
  • [show;indication] 显示

  1. 放在元音上标示短音的发音符号(u形)。

    A diacritical mark ( u-curved ) placed over a vowel to indicate a short sound .

  2. (指音步韵律)两个短音后跟一个长音。放在元音上标示短音的发音符号(u形)。

    ( of a metric foot ) characterized by two short syllables followed by a long one . a diacritical mark ( u-curved ) placed over a vowel to indicate a short sound .

  3. 地震震中均被标示在一张世界地图上。

    The earthquake centres had been plotted on a world map .

  4. 请把你们不熟悉的用语都标示出来。

    Please highlight any terms that are unfamiliar to you .

  5. 这种暴力行为正标示了我们市中心贫民区的状况。

    The violence is emblematic of what is happening in our inner cities .

  6. 警告性标示必须明白易懂。

    Warning notices must be readily understandable .

  7. 他佩戴标示级别的肩章,上面有中士的V形标志。

    He wore shoulderstrap rank slides with sergeant 's chevrons .

  8. 他标示出了一个半径大约为30英里的半圆形。

    He indicated a semicircle with a radius of about thirty miles .

  9. 标题使用粗黑字体,显著的成就要用着重号标示。

    Use bold type for headings and bullet points for noteworthy achievements .

  10. 画一个简略的草图标示车辆当时所在的位置往往很有用。

    It often helps to make a rough sketch showing where the vehicles were .

  11. 警方已竖起了标示牌,告诫人们不要靠近这一地区。

    The police have put up signs to warn people off this area .

  12. 你切勿把车驶进有“不得进入”标示的街道。

    You mustn 't drive into a street with a " no entry " sign .

  13. 其中预设种类又包括列举(Enumeration)、提前标示(AdvanceLabeling)、转述(Reporting)、回顾(Recapitulation)、假设(Hypotheticality)和提问(Question)

    Predictive Categoriesinclude six categories of prediction , namely Enumeration , Advance Labeling , Reporting , Recapitulation , Hypotheticality , and Question .

  14. 译:正常极限。压力。温度。时间。将执久标示

    Normal ratings ( pressures , temperatures , time setting , etc. ) shall be durably marked .

  15. 在Links工具条内,占位符链接通过一个钻石型的图标进行标示。

    In the Links sidebar , placeholder links are identified with a diamond-shaped icon .

  16. Replacement字段在字符串内由花括号({})标示。

    Replacement fields are denoted by curly brackets ( { } ) inside a string .

  17. 其中客户端层采用超文本链接标示语言(HTML)和ASP。

    Thereinto , Hypertext Markup Language ( HTML ) combining with ASP .

  18. 该操作包含一个独一无二的标示拖放目标的URL。

    The action contains a URL that uniquely identifies the drop target .

  19. 我们现在使用一个只读字段来标示contract验证器,从而取代了过去使用的自定义属性。

    Instead of using custom attributes to use a contract verifier , we now use a read-only field in the test fixture .

  20. 产生的DOCUMENTS表应该包含以下列(新添加的列用粗体标示)。

    The resulting DOCUMENTS table should contain the following columns ( new columns to be added are highlighted in bold )

  21. 为此,高端手机制造商三星(Samsung)创造了一种名为SAFE的认可标志,来标示适用于企业的产品。

    Enter top phonemaker Samsung , which has created an enterprise-ready seal of approval dubbed safe .

  22. 对于熟悉Google系统的用户,还可以使用+和-来标示单词。

    For users used to the Google system , you can also use + and-to mark words .

  23. 标示一个选中的项,要么是portlet要么是一次操作。

    Identifies a selected item , either the portlet or an action .

  24. 去除指导者标示的RCS。

    Remove the RCS # designated by your instructor .

  25. 它标示出代码设计,代码标准,全球化技术,以及任何其他Java或你为验证而使用的编码规则方面的问题。

    It flags problems in code design , coding standards , globalization techniques , and any other Java or coding rules you use for verification .

  26. 为了保持标示符并显示名字常量,您可以使用duplicate方法。

    To keep the identifiers and display names consistent , you can use the duplicate approach .

  27. B药厂的前列腺素E1含量均低于标示量,各支被测样品之间含量最大差22.8%。

    The minimum content was 29.4 % less than that indicated . The maximum difference of PGE1 content was 22.8 % among ampules .

  28. 乳制品中的Maillard反应标示物及其应用

    Indicators of Maillard reaction and their application in milk products

  29. 当精子产生时,他们也已明确标示其糖蛋白以Lewis碳水化合物序列,一种特殊碳水化合物链。

    When sperm are made , they specifically label their glycoproteins with Lewis carbohydrate sequences , a specific chain of carbohydrates .

  30. 结果:建立了复方大青叶注射液的HPLC对照指纹图谱,标示了注射液中的20个共有峰,并初步确定注射液的相似度阈值为0.85。

    Result : A standard HPLC fingerprint procedure was developed for composite Folii Isatidis injection , with 20 common peaks and a similarity threshold of 9.0 established .