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  • Nonoxinol
  1. 可作为双保险避孕套中壬苯醇醚含量的质量控制标准。

    It can be used for the quality control of nonoxinol in condom .

  2. 复方壬苯醇醚体外杀菌效果观察

    Effect of Compound Nonoxinol on the Inhibition of Bacteria in vitro

  3. 目的:观察茶皂素对壬苯醇醚(N9)的杀精增效作用。

    Objective : To study the effect of tea saponin in ameliorating nonoxynol ( N-9 ) spermicidal action in vitro .

  4. 结果:复方制剂中壬苯醇醚-9(NP-9)浓度在0.1mg/ml时杀精效果依然良好。

    Results : When the concentration of NP-9 in compound virginal preparation was 0.1 mg / ml , its spermicidal effect was satisfying .

  5. 结果:壬苯醇醚-9在0.25~1.0mg/ml范围内呈良好线性关系,回收率为97.05%,RSD为1.37%。

    Results : The calibration curve was liner in the range of 0.25 ~ 1.0 mg / ml for NP-9 . The average recovery was 97.05 % and RSD was 1.37 % .

  6. 壬苯醇醚-9及其制剂稳定性考察试验研究

    Study of the stability test of the nonoxynol-9 and its preparation

  7. 杀精子剂线型壬苯醇醚质量控制方法的研究

    Study on quality control of spermicidal linear nonoxynol-9

  8. 壬苯醇醚阴道用缓释凝胶剂的研究

    Studies on Nonoxynol Sustained-Release Gels for Vagina

  9. 壬苯醇醚阴道海绵避孕效果分析

    The Effectiveness of Vaginal Contraceptive Sponge

  10. 结论:在实验应用剂量下壬苯醇醚-9抗生育作用及对阴道刺激性在可接受范围内。对家兔阴道粘膜和皮肤无刺激性。

    Conclusion : Nonoxynol-9 compound suppository is antifertility and its irritation in the rabbit is acceptable . It had no irritant effect on the vaginal mucous membrane and skin .

  11. 苯扎溴铵凝胶对大鼠阴道粘膜刺激性评分值为7.67±0.82,在可接受的范围内,与壬苯醇醚-9组(7.33±0.82)相比无统计学差异。

    Following the accepted Eckstein meteyard , the effect score of Benzalkonium Bromide gel 's on rats ' vagina was 7.67 ± 0.82 , and by compared with Nonoxynol-9 gel 's score ( 7.33 ± 0.82 ), there is no significant difference in the result of t-test .