
  1. 这主要体现在三个方面,即:教育理论方面的中国教育学理论的变化;教育制度方面的对壬戌学制的形成与内容的影响;

    The influence mainly includes three aspects : educational theory , educational institution and educational practice .

  2. 而此时期的赴美教育考察反馈回来的教育考察报告,对壬戌学制产生了重大影响。

    In this period of the United States educational feedback back education investigation report , had significant impact on the " Ren Xu educational system " .

  3. 壬戌学制及其课程标准的制定、庚款用于兴学和国语教育的推行,都离不开全国教育会联合会的努力。

    Its efforts brought about foundation of Rexu education system and relevant curriculum standards , the Boxer Indemnity Remission for education and the promotion of mandarin as educational language .