
  • 网络Poor counties
  1. 该文采用描述性统计方法以及Slope(斜度)指数法对10个国家级贫困县中2503名15~49岁以婚妇女、1236名0~6岁儿童的保健服务利用的公平性状况进行了分析。

    Employing the descriptive statistical methods and Slope index , this paper analyzed the equity of basic health service of 2 503 married women aged 15 to 49 years , and 1 236 children aged 0 to 6 years , in 10 national poverty counties of China .

  2. 本文结合1997年在国家级贫困县四川古蔺进行合作医疗试点的基线调查资料,建立了预测村级门诊医疗利用概率的Logistic回归模型。

    Based on the baseline data got from the national-grade poor rural county Gulin , Sichuan , China , which was surveyed in 1997 , we set up a logistic model to predicate the utilization probability of village outpatient service ( VOS ) .

  3. 国家级贫困县城镇化建设

    The State - Level Poverty - Stricken County and Its Urbanization

  4. 全区二十三个县市,有十八个属于国家级贫困县。

    The twenty three counties , eighteen belongs to the state poverty county .

  5. 本研究描述了西北三个国家级贫困县县级政府预算决策机制。

    This paper provides a discussion of budgeting at the county level of Chinese government .

  6. 西部公路建设(包括国道主干线和国家级贫困县道路)

    Western China highway projects ( including state highway main lines and state poverty county highway )

  7. 大化瑶族自治县(以下简称大化县)位于广西中西部,是个典型的多民族聚居的国家级贫困县。

    Dahua yao Autonomous County in the Mid-west of Guangxi is a typical multi-minority national poverty county .

  8. 保靖县属湘西土家族苗族自治州,地处边远山区,经济发展落后,是国家级贫困县。

    Baojing County which situated at the outlying mountainous area in Xiangxi , has a backward economical development .

  9. 本文以江苏滨海&这一国家级贫困县的农业行政体制改革为个案分析。

    This paper takes the reform of Binhai , Jiangsu , a state poverty stricken county , as case analysis .

  10. 贫困地区农村教育发展面临的主要矛盾及其基本对策&来自一个国家级贫困县的调查

    Problems in the Development of Rural Education in Poor Regions and Their Solution & A Survey of a Poor County

  11. 镇原县作为甘肃省的国家级贫困县之一,经济极其不发达。

    As one of the state-level poverty-stricken counties , the economy of Zhenyuan County in Gansu Province is extremely underdeveloped .

  12. 方法选择两个国家级贫困县,每县随机选取一个镇和村为基本调查单位,从中整群分层随机抽取调查对象。

    Methods One town and one village randomly selected as a investigation unit in two poverty county recognized by State Council of China .

  13. 我国边远地区国家级贫困县农村中小学体育教育现状的研究

    The Research on the Present Condition of Our Country 's Physical Education in Primary and Secondary School in Poverty-stricken Countries in Remote Areas

  14. 另外,运用交叉列表分析和列联系数检验的结果表明国家级贫困县和非国家级贫困县的农户对村级基础设施的需求偏好和参与意愿差异具有统计显著性。

    Additionally , The farmers ' demand preference is different dramatically between national-poor counties and non-national-poor counties by crosstab analysis and contingency coefficient test .

  15. 尚义县气候独特,土地辽阔,草地资源、旅游资源丰富,水资源短缺,劳动力资源过剩,是国家级贫困县。

    There are unique climate and vast land here , abundant grassland and tourism resources , excess labor resource , and deficient water resource .

  16. 我国目前经济发展不平衡,存在500余个国家级贫困县及其它相对贫困地区。

    At present , the economic development in China is unbalanced ; there are more than 500 state-level poverty-stricken counties and some relatively poor areas .

  17. 作为国家级贫困县的霍山县,其工业经济在短短的十几年间奇迹般地崛起,被经济学界称之为霍山现象、霍山模式。

    Huoshan industrial economy which is called Huoshan phenomenon by those who study economy had a sharp rise in this years , though it was a poverty county of national level .

  18. 它成功开创了一个国家级贫困县在既无资源又无人才的情况下改变贫穷落后面貌的正确道路。

    It successfully created a county of national level poverty in neither the resources and talents in the absence of a change in appearance of poverty of poor face the right way .

  19. 研究结果表明,河南省国家级贫困县初中体育教师的年龄和学历层次基本合理,但缺口依然很大,将对田径课教学的开展和新课标全面顺利实施产生不利影响;

    Investigation indicates : the age and educational level of sports teachers are in reason , but it has very big nick , it will makes disadvantage infection for the implementation of New Course Standard ;

  20. 根据西部地区公路发展的总体思路,我们选择西部地区国道主干线和国家级贫困县道路作为“十大工程”之一。

    According to the overall plan of highway development in Western china , state highway main lines project and state poverty county highway project are chosen to be one of the " ten key projects " .

  21. 赣州市地处江西省南部,又称赣南,是全国著名的革命老区,也是典型的欠发达地区,下辖18个县、市(区),其中国家级贫困县8个。

    Ganzhou lying in the south of Jianxi province , also called the south of Gan , is a well-known revolution district as well as a typical undeveloped area . It has jurisdiction over 18 counties , among which there are 8 national impoverished counties .

  22. 本文透过一个国家级贫困县工业经济的崛起,即霍山现象,思索和探讨了我国县域经济的发展,指出其对我国县域经济发展的启示性作用。

    This paper thinks and discusses the development of our county economy through " Huoshan Phenomenon " & the sharp rise of industry economy in a poverty county of national level . The paper also points out its enlightening effects on the development of county economy of China .