
  • employee
  1. 中国石化集团其他劳动用工形式风险剖析

    Risk Analysis of Other Employment Forms in SINOPEC Group

  2. 浅析劳动用工制度中商业秘密的法律保护

    Analysis on the Legal Protection of the Commercial Secrete in the Labor Employment System

  3. 生态工程建设中的劳动用工问题研究

    On the Labor Employment of the Eco-Engineering Construction

  4. 谈搞活劳动用工与稳定员工队伍

    Discussion on Vitalizing Laborers and Stabilizing Staff

  5. 劳动用工制度不完善;企业外用工安全管理探讨

    The imperfect recruitment system ; An approach to the safety management for the external labour power

  6. 因劳动用工而缴纳的养老保险费用,只能通过挤占和压缩企业的利润空间来消化。

    The pension costs of paying for labor and employment can only squeeze corporate profit margins .

  7. 新中国建立以来,我国生态工程建设中劳动用工制度经历了几次重要变迁。

    The labor employment system has been changed several times since the foundation of our country .

  8. 劳动用工制度不完善;

    The imperfect recruitment system ;

  9. 劳动用工违法犯罪的行为可以分为违法犯罪类型、单纯违法类型和模糊行为类型;

    Labour illegal activity and criminality can be divided into illegal and criminal type ; pure illegal typo ;

  10. 近年来,劳务派遣作为一种新兴的劳动用工方式受到了广泛的关注。

    During these years , labor dispatch as a new way of labor using has widely aroused attention .

  11. 本文就铁路施工项目管理中劳务分包及劳动用工涉税问题做一探讨。

    In this paper , subcontractors and business tax of labor and employment about railway construction project are discussed .

  12. 劳动用工专家表示,首席执行长们在削减成本方面行动很快,包括裁员,他们常常在业务开始出现困难之前就着手了。

    Workplace experts say executives are moving quickly to cut costs , including jobs , often before business suffers .

  13. 解决好劳动用工制度,保障按劳分配等。这些理论对于我们今天完善社会主义分配制度,完成构建社会主义和谐社会的历史任务有重要的指导意义。

    These opinions are valuable for us to perfect our socialist distribution system and build a harmonious society now .

  14. 贯彻国家劳动用工管理方针、政策,组织制定酒店人力资源规划和计划。

    Carry out the national labor management policy , organize to set up the plan and programming of hotel hr .

  15. 具体介绍了东安公司在干部人事制度、分配制度、劳动用工制度的改革举措。

    Detailed description has been given to the reforming measures for cadre personnel system , distribution system and labor system .

  16. 近年来,随着我国的劳动用工形式日益多样化,劳务派遣在我国得到迅速发展。

    These years , with a diversity of the form of labor , labor dispatch is developing fast in our country .

  17. 随着我国劳动用工制度和社会保障制度的改革,现行劳动争议处理制度遇到了诸多问题和挑战。

    Along with the reform of domestic labour system and social security , lots of defects exit in current labour disputes .

  18. 日本的终身雇佣制是日本企业长期采用的劳动用工制度,在整个世界上都是独具特色的。

    The lifelong employment system has been used by Japanese enterprises for a long time and is unique in the world .

  19. 通过以上分析,实行专业化服务,为规模化生产提供了劳动用工保障。

    Through above analysis , implements the specialized service , has provided the work employing labor safeguard for the formalization production .

  20. 近年来我国企业员工劳动用工成本逐年提高已经形成趋势。

    In recent years , the cost of labor and employment of employees has been a trend to improve year by year .

  21. 与传统劳动用工形式相比,劳务派遣的特殊性在于雇佣与使用分离。

    Compared with the traditional form of labor and employment , the specificity of labor dispatching is the separation of employment and use .

  22. 第二阶段各医院完成后勤管理体制、资产制度、劳动用工制度等方面的改革;

    In the second stage , each hospital should complete reform in its systems of logistics management , properties , and labor employment .

  23. 企业进行劳动用工制度改革后,出现了外来工与正式工并存的双制式用工方式。

    After the reform of employment system , dual modes of employment - " foreign workers " and " formal workers " co-exist , appeared .

  24. 积极推进企业劳动用工和工资分配制度改革;全面加强煤炭企业劳动保障队伍建设。

    Vigorously pushing forward enterprise labour / wages system reforms and enhancing the organiza-tion work for a special contingent of labour security in coal enterprises .

  25. 有中国特色的社会主义劳动用工形式或制度;是一种既能适应商品经济或市场经济发展需要,又能体现社会主义公有制本质要求的劳动用工形式或制度。

    Chinese socialist labor-recruiting institution is an institution which not only meets the demand of market economy , but also embodies the essence of socialist .

  26. 内容可涉及违法犯罪,劳动用工,纳税申报,交通违章,银行信用等多类信息。

    Such information can be included : the records of crime and employment , the notes of tax payment and traffic violations and the history of bank credit .

  27. 转基因抗虫棉可以有效减少虫害发生几率,从而起到节省物质投入和减少劳动用工而保障产量的效应,受到棉区农户的普遍欢迎。

    Genetically modified cotton can effectively reduce the incidence of pests , thus saving the material input and reducing the labour , are generally accepted by cotton-planting farmers .

  28. 改制企业内部分配存在着分配方式非制度化、未实行最低工资保障、经营者收入不透明等问题,提出了规范劳动用工管理、加强对经营者收入监督等对应措施。

    There exist such problems as the lack of systems and no protective measures of low income , no transparency of managers in the interior distribution system of reformed enterpriser .

  29. 在我国,劳动用工制度经历了一个由固定用工到合同用工,再到现今对合同用工的不断完善的过程。

    In China , labor and employment systems started from a fixed employment to contract employment , and now the employment contract is coming though the process of continuous improvement .

  30. 非全日制劳动用工是相对于全日制劳动而言的,是指工作时间少于全日制劳动,劳动者可以同时与多个用人单位签订劳动合同的灵活就业形式。

    Compared with the full-time labor , part-time labor and employment means less time than full-time labor job , and workers can simultaneously make a number of flexible labor contracts with many company .