
  • 网络Fort Lauderdale;Ft. Lauderdale;FLL
  1. 接下来我们前往佛罗里达州的劳德代尔堡。

    Jumping south to Fort Lauderdale , Florida .

  2. 评论:包括劳德代尔堡和西棕榈滩在内的迈阿密地区,一季度的抵押贷款逾期竟然达到90天甚至更糟糕。

    Comment : In greater Miami , including Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach , one-quarter of mortgages are90 days past due or worse .

  3. 1945年12月5日下午,美国海军上尉查尔斯·泰勒(CharlesTaylor)率领13名飞行学员,驾驶着五架海军“复仇者”号鱼雷轰炸机从佛罗里达州的劳德代尔堡海军航空基地起飞。

    On the afternoon of December 5 , 1945 , five Avenger torpedo bombers left the Naval Air Station at Fort Lauderdale , Fla. , with Lt. Charles Taylor in command of a crew of 13 student pilots .

  4. 总部设在劳德代尔堡的安全咨询公司阿克曼集团(AckermanGroup)的创始人兼董事长、旅行相关恐怖主义问题专家迈克·阿克曼(MikeAckerman)则表示,空中恐怖主义的风险可能比较小,却会引起严重担忧。

    The risk of air terrorism may be small said Mike Ackerman , the founder and chairman of the Ft. Lauderdale-based security consulting firm Ackerman Group who is an expert in travel-related terrorism , but the fear around it is big .

  5. 劳德代尔堡的一站是一场额外试演。

    The Ft. Lauderdale stop is a kind of out-of-town tryout .

  6. 这是世界需要的——正如来自劳德代尔堡的迈克尔·斯托尔岑贝格。

    The world needs people like Michael Stolzenberg from Fort Lauderdale .

  7. 五名飞行员准备好从佛罗里达州劳德代尔堡出发的飞行训练。

    Five airplane crewmen are ready for a training flight from Fort Lauderdale , Florida .

  8. 世界需要劳德代尔堡的迈克尔.斯图坦伯格那样的人迈克尔八岁那年

    The world needs people like Michael Stoltenberg from Fort Lauderdale . When Michael was just eight years old .

  9. 在佛罗里达州南部的劳德代尔堡机场,一名男子给了他女朋友和在机场等候行李的机场乘客一个惊喜。

    And in south Florida a man surprised his girlfriend and people were waiting for their luggages at Fort Lauderdale airport .

  10. 1945年12月5日,美国海军的五艘复仇者号鱼类轰炸机从劳德代尔堡出发执行飞越大西洋的常规训练任务。

    On 5 December 1945 , five Avenger torpedo bombers of the US Navy took off from Fort Lauderdale on a routine training flight over the Atlantic .

  11. “我认为如今女性有许多优势,使得她们不必限制自己的职业选择,”居住在劳德代尔堡郊区普兰泰申的布瑞恩这样说。

    " I realized there are so many advantages women now have that they don 't have to limit their choices ," said Bryn , who lives in Plantation , a Fort Lauderdale suburb .

  12. 在接受劳德代尔堡当地媒体太阳哨兵报的采访时,几名被解雇的员工表示,他们穿相同颜色的衣服是为了在下班后出去欢聚时能够被认出是一起的。

    In an interview with the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel , several of the fired workers say they wore the matching colors so they would be identified as a group when heading out for a happy hour event after work .