
  • 网络excited state;first excited state
  1. 利用Boltzmann基本方程和改进的Boltzmann方程,对电子束泵浦氩中能量大于氩原子第一激发态能量(11.56eV)的高能电子分布函数进行了理论计算。

    With the basic Boltzmann equation and the improved Boltzmann equation , the high energy electron distributions , whose energy is larger than the first excited state energy ( 11.56eV ), are calculated in argons pumped by electron beam .

  2. 结果证实13C的第一激发态为单中子晕核态,首次从实验上证实在B稳定线上存在激发的晕核态。

    The results make sure that the first excited state of 13C is the one-neutron halo state .

  3. 当g远高于阈值时,基态和第一激发态本征值亦能和数值计算结果相吻合。

    When g is above the threshold value , the eigenvalues of ground and first excited states also coincide with the numerical method .

  4. 该反应还可以通过抽取机制发生在第一激发态上,部分解释了实验中观察到的OH产物的向前散射。

    This reaction can also proceed through the addition / abstraction mechanism on the first excited-state PES , which partially accounts for the forward scattering of the OH products observed in experiment .

  5. 到目前为止的kT都比第一激发态能级低,所有状态都在基态。

    Where the kT is lower than , by far , than the first excited level . Everything 's in the ground state .

  6. 该边带可能起因于C受主LVM第一激发态向第二激发态的跃迁。

    It is likely that the sideband originates from the transition of the local vibrational mode of carbon from the first excited state to the second excited state .

  7. 计算了17F的第一激发态的电荷形状因子,并与16O和19F的结果进行了对比和讨论。

    The charge form factor is calculated and compared with those of 16 O and 19 F.

  8. 用相对论平均场理论和Eikonal近似研究了质子晕核17F的第一激发态的电子弹性散射过程。

    The elastic electron scattering process on the first excited state of 17 F is studied with the RMF model and Eikonal approximation .

  9. 对于覆盖复合应力缓冲层的QD不会使波长和FWHM发生显著变化,但可以使基态和第一激发态间的能级差进一步增大。

    For QD covering the combined stress buffer layer it makes no obvious difference to the wavelength and the line width ( FWHM ), but will increase the energy difference between the ground and the first excited states .

  10. 在弱耦合的情况下分别对几种不同的混晶材料AxB(1-z)C进行了计算,计算出极化子的藕合常数,基态以及第一激发态能量随组分x变化的一系列值;

    In the limit of weak coupling , the coupling constants , the energies of the ground state and the first internal excited state of the polaron are calculated for several mixed crystals with different composition x of the mixed crystals A_xB_ ( 1-x ) C.

  11. 锂原子第一激发态能量的变分计算

    Variational calculation of the first excited state energy of the lithium-like atom

  12. 外电场中平面转子的第一激发态修正

    Corrections of the First Excitation State for Plane Rotor in External Electrical Field

  13. 甲苯酚第一激发态的共振多光子电离谱

    Resonant Multiphoton Ionization Spectra of M-Cresol and Cresols in the First Electronic Excited State

  14. 我们也调查了系统基态和第一激发态的能隙情况。

    The energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state is also investigated .

  15. 此外,基态和三线态第一激发态之间的自旋-轨道耦合矩阵元能够定性反映配合物非辐射跃迁速率常数的大小。

    Besides , the spin-orbit coupling matrix elements can qualitatively reflect the magnitude of the non-radiative rate constant .

  16. 在原子激发态边界半径模型的基础上,对离子激发态的边界半径,也进行了详细的研究,给出了前五周期主族元素一价正离子、二价正离子第一激发态的边界半径。

    In this thesis , the boundary radii of the first excited univalent ions and divalent ions are also evaluated .

  17. 第一激发态、第二激发态精确到一级修正,能级产生分裂,简并部分解除。

    The first and second excited states divided and the degeneracy of them were partly lifted in the first approximate calculation .

  18. 在低能量范围内,对于D-π-A型分子,分子的单光子吸收强度和双光子吸收截面最大值都发生在分子的第一激发态。

    In the visible light region , the maximal one-photon absorption strengths of the molecules occur in the first excited state .

  19. 比如苯环,也就是最低电子态,远低于第一激发态。

    If you have benzene , for example , the lowest electronic state , is quite far below the first excited state .

  20. 研究了矩形量子线中极化子基态和第一激发态的性质.采用在有效质量近似下的变分变换方法导出了在基态和第一激发态时电子&LO声子之间相互作用能。

    Using variational method , the electron-phonon interaction energy of polaron at ground state and the first excited state in a rectangular quantum wire were studied .

  21. 通过计算平均场近似下的第一激发态和基态的能隙以及基态的保真度,进一步确证了上述相边界。

    Such a phase boundary is further confirmed by calculating the fidelity of the ground state and the energy gap between the first-excited and the ground states .

  22. 压力实验结果还表明大量子点的第一激发态发光峰来源于电子的第一激发态到空穴的第一激发态的跃迁。

    The pressure experiments suggest that the excited state emissions originate from the optical transitions between the first excited electron states and the first excited hole states .

  23. 得到了不同薄膜厚度下激子的结合能和基态、第一激发态的能量。

    The binding energy , the energy of the ground state and the first excitation state of exciton in such a film is obtained for different film thicknesses .

  24. 在此基础上使用含时密度泛函理论方法计算了分子第一激发态的电子垂直跃迁能,得到最大吸收波长λmax。

    On this basis , the first excited state electronic transition energy has been calculated using time-dependent density function theory , and λ _ ( max ) is obtained .

  25. 研究库仑场中束缚光学极化子的性质,采用线性组合算符和么正变换方法计算了强弱耦合情形束缚光学极化子的基态和第一激发态能量。

    In this paper , the properties of the bound optical polaron in Coulomb potential is studied , which is valid for the whole range of the electron-phonon coupling .

  26. 采用原子蒸气束激光诱导荧光法测量钆原子的第一激发态的同位素位移及超精细结构、原子跃迁自发辐射的分支比和原子蒸气束的多普勒宽度。

    The isotope shifts , hyperfine structure , spontaneous emission branch ratio of the first excited level and Doppler width of the atom vapor beam were measured using laser induced fluorescence .

  27. 我们发现所有能级都是非简并的,而且原本应该存在的第一激发态能级因为对称性或反对称性消失了。

    We find that all the energy levels are non-degenerate and the original first excited state or energy level disappears because of the operation of symmetry or antisymmetry of identical particles .

  28. 采用从基态到第一激发态为双激光场驱动的物理模型,对梯形三能级系统中自发辐射的相干控制进行了分析,通过变换驱动激光场之间的相对相位得到了一些主要结果。

    The quantum coherent control of spontaneous emission in three ladder-type system is researched by using the physical model of two laser fields drives exciting from the ground state to the excited state .

  29. 对于DπD型分子,单光子吸收强度最大值出现在分子的第一激发态,而最大双光子吸收值则对应于分子的第二激发态。

    Furthermore , the maximal two_photon absorption cross sections of the D_ π _A typed molecules still appear in the first state , but for D_ π _D typed molecules the second excited state has the maximal two_photon absorption cross_section .

  30. 当系统处于第一激发态时,系统运动呈随时间衰减的形式;在一定条件下则为周期振荡,主周期长度为2.3年。

    If the system is of the first excited state , the system is in a way of decay with time or in a way of periodic oscillation with a main period of2.3 years in certain conditions of the system .