
  • 网络First choice
  1. 我非常高兴,因为ABC大学是我的第一志愿。

    I 'm very glad because ABC University was my first choice .

  2. 是啊,Dartmouth是我的第一志愿。

    Nate : Yes , well , Dartmouth is my first choice .

  3. 如果学生们的第一志愿不被录取,那么他们将分到二等大学。

    If students are not accepted by their first choice , they will fall into the second tier universities .

  4. 这句话的意思是:「杰克在中学毕业后报考了好几所大学,但是,他的第一志愿是哈佛大学。

    Jack applied to several universities after he graduated from high school , but his number one choice is Harvard .

  5. 下意识你知道这是如此,就如同使用商定的计划时,第一志愿的经验。

    Subconsciously you know it to be so , as you agreed with the plan when you first volunteered for the experience .

  6. 如果他们未能取得高分足以被第一志愿学校录取,很可能也被第二第三志愿学校拒绝。

    If they fail to score high enough to be accepted by their first choice university , chances are they will also be rejected by their second and third picks .

  7. 学者们今天警告说,越来越多的优秀学生将无法进入第一志愿的大学。数据显示,四分之三的教育机构将被迫缩减招生规模。

    Growing numbers of bright students face missing out on their first choice university , academics warned today , as figures showed three-quarters of institutions are being forced to slash places .

  8. 她高考的第一志愿是会计专业,因此她一听说学校开设了会计辅修课,就立即报了名。她说:这对我来说是全新的机遇。

    Her first-choice program was accounting , so she signed up for the minor subject in accounting immediately after she heard about it . It was a second chance for me , she says .

  9. 很多学生第一志愿,甚至二三志愿都会被拒绝,这再平常不过。

    Know that it 's normal , especially these days . A lot of people don 't get accepted by their first choice school , or even their second or third choices . It 's been happening forever .

  10. 就是于1736年,他在费城创立了第一个志愿性的消防公司,

    was that in 1736 he founded the first volunteer firefighting company in Philadelphia ,

  11. 受访人盛志勇曾三次参加战伤救治:1951年,作为外科医师参加了上海第一批抗美援朝志愿医疗手术队;

    Sheng Zhiyong saw active service treating soldiers in three wars ; in1951 at the outbreak of the Korean War , he joined the Shanghai First Voluntary Medical Team as a surgeon ;

  12. 第一节首先分析志愿医院在发展中成为医学教学的中心,推动了医学教育的发展,成为临床医学的发源地。

    The first section introduced that voluntary hospitals became medical education centers , by which they play an important part in medical education and the development of clinic medicine .