
  1. 第二部分重点分析了抗战时期重庆国民政府为适应新的形势需要,对拥军优抚政策的适度调整;

    In the second part , it focuses on the adjustment of the corresponding policies made by Chongqing Kuomintang Government ;

  2. 徽州是抗战期间重庆国民政府在江南地区最大的一块国统区。

    Huizhou was the Chongqing national government on the biggest " enclave " of Jiangnan region during the war of resistance against aggression .

  3. 第三部分着重阐述了重庆国民政府及四川省政府拥军优属活动的具体实施;

    Furthermore , in the third part , this paper lists out the practices of the policies adopted by Chongqing Kuomintang Government and Sichuan Provincial Government ;

  4. 歙县职业工会是当时重庆国民政府为稳定歙县乃至整个徽州地区的社会秩序,加强社会资源动员支援抗战而施行的社会控制措施,这种中间组织形态一直持续到解放前夕。

    Shexian occupational labor union was the measure of social control that the Chongqing national government wanted to maintain Shexian and even the whole Huizhou social order for stabilization , and to intensify the local social resources mobilizing that supported the war .