
  • 网络heavy clay
  1. 大蒜不能在重粘土中种植。

    They shouldn 't be planted in heavy clay soils .

  2. 对路基工程中重粘土处理的探讨

    Heavy Clay Processing Method for Roadbed Engineering

  3. 在重粘土中当地下水位埋深为1.5m时达到最大值。

    And 2.0 m , respectively , and was highest in the silty clay when the depth of groundwater table was 1.5 m.

  4. 通过几种重粘土处理方案比较,介绍了改善重粘土路基的施工方法。

    This article selects the method for improving the heavy clay processing technique by comparing different plans .

  5. 竞争性和辅助材料方面,探讨如何在重粘土建筑产品中引入别的材料来进行加工生产,辅助应用。

    Competitive and Complementary Materials : innovative building schemes and solutions using other materials in competition and in conjunction with heavy clay building products .

  6. 技术供应商方面,对技术供应商而言,这是一个让他们展示重粘土工业应用中富有独创性技术手段的机会。

    Technology Providers : opportunity for a wide range of technology providers to present how they are providing innovative solutions to the heavy clay industry .

  7. 遗址区表面扰动土层属于细粒砂岩层,渗透系数较大;除扰动土层外,土层属于粉土质砂、重亚粘土和亚粘土混合层,均属于弱透水层。

    Site area surface disturbance of soil is fine-grained sandstone layer , the permeability coefficient is larger .

  8. 砂质壤土、肥田发病重,砂质粘土、瘦田发病轻;

    The occurrence of the disease is more serious in sandy loam and fertile fields than in sandy clay and poor fields .

  9. 对重超固结粘土,采用等塑性剪应变为硬化参数的屈服函数,比用破坏条件的屈服函数更能较好地描述土的剪胀特性。

    On the heavily over-consolidated clay , the yield function with har - dening parameter expressed in isoplastic shearing strain is better than that expressed under failure condition to describe the dilatancy of soil .

  10. 土壤质地多为重壤土至中粘土,呈强酸性反应。

    Most of soil texture ranges from clay loam tO loam clay .

  11. 本文对采自中国、法国、比利时等国43块黄土样品进行实验室处理后,分析对比了它们在碳酸盐含量、粒度组成、重矿物组成及粘土矿物成分方面的共同特性及差异性。

    43 loess samples taken from China , France and Belgium were analysed in the laboratory . The common characters and difference of carbonate content , sizes , heavy minerals and clay minerals of the loess samples have been compared .