
  • 网络Material fact;important fact;key facts;low-down
  1. 保险法上的重要事实主要由两个要素构成,即主体要素和关系要素。

    Material fact in the insurance law is consist of subject and relational elements .

  2. 所谓主体要素,是指应当以谨慎保险人标准来判断是否属于重要事实。

    We judge whether subject element belongs to material fact by the standard of prudential insurer .

  3. 法院卷宗中称:(Facebook的)登记声明和招股说明书中包含对重要事实的虚假陈述。

    The [ Facebook ] registration statement and prospectus contained untrue statements of material facts , the court filing claims .

  4. 团队感到陷入僵局,但这只是因为他们不知道关于Java序列化的一个重要事实:Java序列化允许随着时间的推移而改变类型。

    The team felt stuck , but only because they didn 't know something crucial ( and somewhat obscure ) about Java Serialization : it was built to allow for evolution of types over time .

  5. 另一个有关ebXML和Web服务的区别的重要事实是,它们是从两个不同的优势点着手解决一个相同的问题的。

    Another important thing to remember about the difference between ebXML and Web Services is that they are both approaching the same problem from two different vantage points .

  6. 这是一个错误,因为g20的崛起也是对两项重要事实的默认,尽管危机正在逐步消退,但这两项事实目前依然成立。

    This is a mistake . For the elevation of the G20 was also a tacit acknowledgment of two important facts , both of which remain true , even as the crisis ebbs .

  7. 这一实际上的债务延期告诉我们几个重要事实。

    This de facto debt rescheduling tells us several important things .

  8. 如隐瞒任何重要事实,均可导致本保单失效。

    Failure to disclose all material information could invalidate the insurance .

  9. 最初的调查未能发现若干重要事实。

    The initial investigation failed to uncover a number of important facts .

  10. 不过,我想请各位记住两点重要事实

    However , I would like you to remember two salient facts .

  11. 不过,我们绝不可忽略几项重要事实。

    But let us look at a few important facts .

  12. 这是关于此次危机的最重要事实。

    This is the most important fact about the crisis .

  13. 他写的事故报告漏述了一两项重要事实。

    His account of the accident misses out one or two important facts .

  14. 这些扶摇直上的数据反映了两个重要事实。

    The ballooning numbers reflect two important facts .

  15. 描述关于这块大陆的其他重要事实。

    Describe other important facts about the continent .

  16. 这两个模型向我们展现了真实世界中存在哪些重要事实以及如何来说明的。

    Both models tell us what important facts in real world and how to illuminate .

  17. 澄清对外汉语教学模式演变过程中的两点重要事实

    Two Important Points That Need Be Clarified Concerning the Evolution of TCFL Model in China

  18. 女性在薪水谈判方面的一些重要事实

    Important Facts About Women and Salary Negotiation

  19. 但我们要牢记一个重要事实:文明本身的趋向永远是向上的,

    The great fact to remember is that the trend of civilization itself is forever upward ;

  20. 主观条件是指投保人或被保险人未告知或不实告知重要事实时主观上存在故意或过失。

    Subjective conditions mean that the insurance applicant or the insurant has the intention or negligence .

  21. 所谓重要事实是指保险人在决定是否承保时应当知道的事实。

    A material fact is a fact that an insurer should know when deciding whether to insure .

  22. 受到控制的液滴燃烧试验确定了下列重要事实和特性。

    Controlled droplet combustion experimentation has led to the establishment of the following important facts and patterns .

  23. 作家、作家群的大规模更迭,以及位置上的迁移,即是其中一个重要事实。

    Massive change of writers , writers groups and migration , was one of the important facts .

  24. 所以,对于这个被古典经济学家宣称为不可或缺的重要事实,我并无异议。

    Thus I am not disputing this vital fact which the classical economists have asserted as indefeasible .

  25. 不过,超人类主义者忽略了一个重要事实,意识上传存在着一些不可超越的障碍。

    Yet transhumanists seem to ignore the fact that this kind of mind-uploading has some insurmountable obstacles .

  26. 提供虚假的或者隐瞒重要事实的财务会计报告、报表和统计报表的;

    Providing financial report or statement and statistical report , which are false or conceal any important facts ;

  27. 通常情况下,我们对异性感到气愤或是沮丧是因为我们忘记了这一重要事实。

    We usually become angry or frustrated with the opposite sex because we have forgotten this important truth .

  28. 这一重要事实,是有关碳氢化合物起源的沉积-有机理论的论证基础之一。

    This fundamental truth is one of the cornerstones of the sedimentary-organic theory for the origin of hydrocarbons .

  29. 故意隐瞒与订立合同有关的重要事实或者提供虚假情况;

    Concealing deliberately the important facts relating to the conclusion of the contract or providing deliberately false information ;

  30. 奥林匹克夏天比赛收集者片,值得纪念的事,稀罕项目和重要事实和信息的虚拟博物馆。

    Virtual Museum of Olympic Summer Games collector pieces , memorabilias , rare items and important facts and information .