
  • 网络mercantilism;pro-business
  1. 利权意识在20世纪初年的变化加重了晚清重商观念内在矛盾。

    The changes of the economic rights consciousness in the early20th century aggravated the inherent contradictions of the pro-business concept in late Qing Dynasty .

  2. 同时在北宋社会中,重商思想开始蔓延在北宋社会的角落,商人阶级开始崛起。

    At the same time , the Northern Song society , pro-business ideology began to spread in the corner of the Northern Song society , businessmen have begun to emerge class .

  3. 特许公司&西方推行重商政策的急先锋

    Chartered Companies : The Vanguard of Western Countries Practicing Mercantile Policy

  4. 论宋王朝重商的财政背景

    On Financial Background of Mulberry - planting in the Song Dynasty

  5. 社会形成重商风气,商人阶层作为一个新兴阶层,在社会上发生日益重要的作用。

    An ethos of attaching importance to commerce appeared in the society .

  6. 英国都铎王朝前期的对外贸易和重商政策

    The British Foreign Trade and the Mercantilism in the Early Tudor Period

  7. 近代早期是英国由农本而重商的转型时期,商人日益成为社会经济舞台的重要角色。

    Early modern England witnessed the transformation from an agriculture-oriented society to a commercialized society .

  8. 早期维新派重商思想研究

    The Research into the Early Reform-Group Mercantilism

  9. 如今,观点是变了,但是重商的思想也不应太过分。

    Today , that perspective has changed , but the importance of business should not be overstated .

  10. 清代山西节孝妇女众多,这与重商风尚存在着相当密切的关系。

    Large numbers of chaste widow and worthy daughters-in-law appeared in thee reords of Shanxi province in Qing Dynasty .

  11. 近世变局与中外贸易状况、中国近代商业资本的勃兴是早期维新派重商思想兴起的经济环境;

    I think the condition of international trade and the rise suddenly of modern commercial capital is its ' economic environment .

  12. 本文从分析宋王朝财政背景的角度,探讨其重商的主要原因。

    From the aspect of the Song Dynasty 's financial background , this paper probes into the chief reason for mulberry-planting .

  13. 总之,作为中世纪晚期英国的重商型政策&保护主义给正处于上升时期的英国以巨大的推动。

    In brief , as mercantile policies of the late medieval Britain , protectionism actively boosted Britain in the rising period .

  14. 西方工业文明的输入、政府财政的窘迫导致重商思潮兴起。

    It caused the rising of mercantilism that the western industrial civilization input , and the government public finance sank into predicament .

  15. 但是不能因此认定宋代已是一个重商社会而非以农立国的社会。

    But can 't assert a merchant society already in Song dynasty has been but not with the agricultural society that founded a state .

  16. 政府推行重商政策,促进了商业的繁荣。

    Of 1 530s . As a result of the government exercising the policy of mercantilism , the trade and commerce prospered day by day .

  17. 经济方面,论述其重商思想,要求整顿关税,主铸金币的主张。

    In economical side , analyzes his thought of valuing including and business , studies demanding of rectifying tariff and view of casting gold coin .

  18. 对晋商来说,重商轻儒使晋商全力经营,形成了商业体制上的创新,促进了商业的兴盛,但也为商业发展种下许多不利因素;

    For Shanxi merchants , it promoted development of commerce and blazed new trails of commercial system , but there were also a few unfavorable factors .

  19. 在2005年,温州被《经济日报》评为重商与开拓意识最强的城市。

    In 2005 , Wenzhou is appraised as " A city gives the most emphasis to commerce as well as exploiting awareness " by Economic Daily .

  20. 在经济方面,他们提出了发展军工企业,重视科技发展和重商等思想;

    In economy , the reformists suggested that they 'd attach importance to the development of military industry , the development of science , technology and business .

  21. 这样,在重商与轻商观念的嬗变发展过程中,除个别时期,如西汉中期,重商观念稍占优势以外,其它时期则一直处于劣势。

    In this atmosphere , the concept of mercantilism was always reduced to inferiority except individual period , such as the medium term of the Western Han Dynasty .

  22. 桑弘羊和柯尔培尔是中西方重商主义的突出代表,他们的重商思想既有相近的一面,也有明显的相异之处。

    SANG Hong-yang and Colbert are two representatives of mercantilism in the east and the west respectively , and both their ideas have some similarities and distinctive differences .

  23. 长期在商业氛围中生活的上海民众感悟到商业对他们自身生活的重要性,逐渐形成一种重商观念。

    People in Shanghai who had been living in the commercial atmosphere perceived essentiality of commerce to their living so that they make gradually an idea of regarding commerce .

  24. 在重商的环境影响以及商业市场的需求下,这些独立动画也开始进行商业化运作走上市场,从而也使得艺术家得到了自我价值的实现。

    Under the influence of mercantilism and market demand , these independent animation also want to go to the market . This way also makes the artist has been self-realization .

  25. 汉口市民中,大多数是来自全国各地的商人,在人口构成上有着显著的移民特点,在市民文化中有着深厚的重商传统;

    The majority of local citizens were businessmen from all over the country , which was the distinctive migration character of local population structure and formed profound mercantile tradition in folk culture ;

  26. 而赖其发展的重农抑商思想也开始向重商思想转变,这又体现在封建官吏和绅商内部蜕变分化,要求改变约开商埠形式,主动吁请开放。

    The emphasis on the agriculture 's development began to change into the emphasis on commerce 's , which was embodied by the internal breakup among feudal officials and gentlemen plus merchants .

  27. 无独有偶,在中国古代和近代史上也曾形成过对社会经济有重要影响的农本思想、国家经营工商业的政策思想和重商思潮。

    Interestingly , in the modern history and ancient history of China , there had been agriculture-based thoughts which influenced social economy greatly and policy thoughts and mercantilism which influenced state-business management .

  28. 民国时期扬州教育现代化的经济价值取向是重文轻理、重商轻工的传统教育倾向,其经济终点目标是极小的。

    The orientation of economic value of the Yangzhou educational modernization in the Republic of China is an obvious demonstration of traditional education inclination which prefers art and commerce to science and industry .

  29. 晚清重商思想是晚清重要的思潮之一,是中西方军事、经济、文化发生碰撞时产生的。

    Mercantilism was one of the important trends of thought of the Late Qing Dynasty , and came into be-ing when China and the West collided in the military , economy and culture .

  30. 限制跨国并购的声音在美国是新现实主义国际政治经济学家发出的,在中国则主要来自新重商学派的经济学家,强调跨国并购对本国经济安全的负面影响。

    The voices against the cross-border M As come from the Neo-realism international political economist in US and Neo-mercantile school economists in China who focus the negative effect of M As on national economic security .