
  1. 全球研究是地理学重大题材;

    Global study would be a big issue for geography study ;

  2. 试论校园媒体如何做活做深重大题材报道

    How to Make the Reports of Significant Subject Matter Alive by Campus Media

  3. 他讲述能源和交通之类重大题材,并且对之进行详尽的阐释。

    He takes on huge topics like energy or transportation and gives them a thorough examination .

  4. 维吉尔写了古罗马帝国的建立,她的崩溃也是一个重大题材。

    Virgil wrote of the famous of Rome , her dissolution is as grand a subject .

  5. 喜剧小品因篇幅限制一般不正面表现重大题材,但是它能反映社会心理变迁。

    The Comedy sketch can reflect the vicissitude of social mentality , but never show important theme directly .

  6. 茅盾在描写重大题材、塑造鲜明时代人物形象的同时,以一种强烈的社会责任感关注下一代,最能体现其儿童文学观的是他的三篇儿童小说。

    While he describes significant themes and creates distinct figures of times , Mao Dun shows much concern on the younger generation with a strong sense of social responsibility .

  7. 道教山水悟道诗是道教诗歌的一个重大题材,亦是中国古代山水诗的一个重要组成部分。

    Taoist poem about realizing the truth of Tao in nature is a significant theme of Taoist poetry and an important component of ancient Chinese poetry about mountains and waters .

  8. 他的主要贡献是对重大题材的开拓和对时代精神的表现,同时也表现为在写生的基础上不断的求新求变。

    The main contribution of him is to explore the major themes of the performance and the spirit of the times . Meanwhile , His main contribution also performs in constantly changing the drawing style on the basis of the sketches .

  9. 这是一个重大的题材。

    It 's a great subject .

  10. 有关历史的书籍与重大历史题材的影视作品正在受到越来越多的人们的关注。

    Books and movies about history and historical events get attention from more and more people .

  11. 我很想写重大的题材,也许内战结束后,我可以安顿下来专心专意写它一阵子。

    I have the ambition to write big things , and maybe when the civil war is over I will settle down and just do nothing but write for a while .

  12. 新时期重大革命历史题材电影创作潮流论析

    On the Trends of Film Production in the Last Two Decades on the Important Revolutionary-historical Events

  13. 如今,重大历史事件题材的创作又被重新提到一个重要位置。

    Nowadays , the creation of significant historical events has been elevated to a new important position .

  14. 革命历史题材、特别是重大革命历史题材的影视作品的数量和规模都发展迅速。

    The video works on revolutionary history theme , especially those on grand theme have been advancing rapidly in number and scale . b.

  15. 他的艺术作品既不表现当下重大的社会题材,也不介入主流的艺术潮流,又与学院的油画创作风格拉开距离。

    His art is not the major social themes of performance , also does not interfere in mainstream art trend , and the oil painting style with college distance .

  16. 受同时代现实主义剧作家,尤其是易卜生的影响,萧伯纳开创了一种新戏剧的风格,它把有重大意义的题材和新颖而又成熟的技巧结合在一起。

    Influenced by other realistic dramatists at his age , especially Henrik Ibsen , Shaw creates a new drama which combines significant social issues with his original and mature dramatic skills .